Guild Wars 2 build: Raids Holosmith: condi
Build EditorA build for Guild Wars 2.
- range: 600, some melee
- passive utility: self Swiftness, some self Vigor
- free utility: AoE Chill, AoE pulsing Blind, minor AoE healing
- CC: reasonable, good Knockback, good AoE Immobilize
- cleave: fair
- mobility: poor
- off cooldown: Incendiary Ammo
- off cooldown above 50 heat: Prime Light Beam
- use the following skills in each kit:
- pistol: Blowtorch, Static Shot, Poison Dart Volley
- Grenade Kit: Shrapnel Grenade, (Poison Grenade)
- Bomb Kit: Fire Bomb, (Concussion Bomb)
- Flamethrower: Flame Blast, (Napalm), (Air Blast)
- photon forge: Corona Burst, Photon Blitz
- while waiting in Grenade Kit and pistol, use the priority list: Grenade Barrage, Big Ol' Bomb, Freeze Grenade
- Engage Photon Forge, wait until 50 heat, Deactivate Photon Forge
- pistol, Grenade Kit, Bomb Kit, Flamethrower
- Engage Photon Forge, wait until overheat, Deactivate Photon Forge
- until Engage Photon Forge is available: pistol, Grenade Kit, Bomb Kit, Flamethrower, Grenade Kit