Source code for engine.evt.conffile

"""Parse configuration strings to events and vice versa.

A configuration string defines events, which contain inputs.  If an input or
event class has a ``name`` attribute, it is 'named' and is supported in
configuration strings (these can be found in :data:`inputs_by_name` and

Commenting is shell syntax: the ``#`` character indicates that the rest of the
line is a comment, unless it is quoted.  Whitespace outside of quotes
(including blank lines) is ignored.


Each event line is followed by zero or more input lines which are added to that
event.  Lines are made up of words, and shell-like quoting is supported.  An
event line follows the form

.. code-block:: none

    <type> <name> [args...]

where ``<type>`` is the class's ``name`` attribute (a key in
:data:`evts_by_name`) and ``<name>`` is the name to give to the event
(see :meth:`EventHandler.add() <engine.evt.handler.EventHandler.add>`).
``args`` depends on ``type``:

- ``button*`` events take any number of button modes from
  :class:`evts.bmode <engine.evt.evts.bmode>` (``DOWN``, ``HELD``, etc.).
  If ``REPEAT`` is included, the initial and repeat delays must follow these,
  in seconds.  If ``DBLCLICK`` is included, the double-click delay must follow,
  in seconds
- other event types take no extra arguments.


Input lines follow the form

.. code-block:: none

    [event components...] [modifiers...] [scale*]<device> [device ID] \
[type[:input components...]] [args...]


- ``event components`` are named components of the event this input is inside
  to attach the input to (see
  :data:`evts.evt_component_names <engine.evt.evts.evt_component_names>`).  If
  none are given, all components of the event are used in order.
- ``modifiers`` is zero or more whitespace-separated modifier definitions.
  Each is within square ``[]`` brackets and is an input definition.  The device
  must match the input (see
  :data:`inputs.mod_devices <engine.evt.inputs.mod_devices>`), and may be
  omitted if it is the same.  The device ID should be omitted, as it must be
  the same as the input's.  A modifier may also be one of the names in
  :class:`inputs.mod <engine.evt.inputs.mod>`.
- ``scale`` is required for events of type ``'relaxis*'`` (see
  :class:`RelAxis <engine.evt.evts.RelAxis>`) and no others (the ``*`` in this
  argument is a literal character).
- ``device`` is the ``device`` attribute of the input class, found in
- ``device ID`` determines which device to listen for input from, and defaults
  to ``True`` (see
  :attr:`Input.device_id <engine.evt.inputs.Input.device_id>`).  This is only
  allowed for inputs with ``device`` ``'pad'``.  This may also be a device
  variable (:attr:`Input.device_var <engine.evt.inputs.Input.device_var>`) in
  ``<>``, eg. ``'<x>'`` for variable ``'x'``.
- ``type`` is the ``name`` attribute of the input class, found in
  :data:`inputs_by_name`.  It may be omitted if the given ``device`` has only
  one possible ``type``.
- ``input components`` defines the components of the input to use as a
  comma-separated string of indices.  The number given must match up with
  ``event components``, and the default is all components of the input, in
- ``args`` depends on ``device`` and ``type``:

    - ``kbd key``, ``mouse button`` and ``pad *`` take a key/button ID.  As
      well as number identifiers, keys may be Pygame names (without the ``K_``
      prefix) and mouse buttons may be names in
      :class:`inputs.mbtn <engine.evt.inputs.mbtn>`.
    - if the event is an axis or a button,
      :class:`RelAxisInput <engine.evt.inputs.RelAxisInput>` subclasses take a
      ``boundary`` argument giving the maximum displacement of the axis from
    - if the event is a button,
      :class:`AxisInput <engine.evt.inputs.AxisInput>` and
      :class:`RelAxisInput <engine.evt.inputs.RelAxisInput>` subclasses take
      thresholds arguments ``down`` and ``up``, giving the point at which the
      button is triggered and released.

  These are taken by the input classes, so see their documentation for more


This defines a number of input methods for a ``'walk'`` event:

.. code-block:: sh

    axis walk
       neg kbd LEFT
       pos kbd RIGHT
       # WASD
       neg kbd a
       pos kbd d
       neg pos pad axis 0
       # axis value depends on mouse position
       neg pos mouse axis:0,1 100

The following defines tile-like movement (also useful for menus).

.. code-block:: sh

    button4 move DOWN REPEAT .3 .2
        left kbd LEFT
        right kbd RIGHT
        up kbd UP
        down kbd DOWN
        # recall that .6 .4 are axis toggle thresholds
        left right pad axis 0 .6 .4
        up down pad axis 1 .6 .4

    # hold a button to speed up
    button4 move_fast DOWN REPEAT .2 .1
        left [CTRL] kbd LEFT
        right [CTRL] kbd RIGHT
        up [CTRL] kbd UP
        down [CTRL] kbd DOWN
        # modifier might be a shoulder button or something
        left right [button 4] pad axis 0 .6 .4
        up down [button 4] pad axis 1 .6 .4

This might be useful for moving a cursor (note that the mouse is treated
differently than for the ``axis`` event above):

.. code-block:: sh

    relaxis2 move
        left 5*kbd LEFT
        right 5*kbd RIGHT
        up 5*kbd UP
        down 5*kbd DOWN
        left right 5*pad axis 0
        up down 5*pad axis 1
        left right mouse axis:0,1
        up down mouse axis:2,3

RTS-like unit selection:

.. code-block:: sh

    # drag out a box to select units
    button select DOWN UP
        mouse button LEFT

    # hold ctrl to drag out another box and add to the selection
    button add DOWN UP
        [CTRL] mouse button LEFT

    # order selected units to do something
    button action DOWN
        mouse button RIGHT



import sys
import shlex
from StringIO import StringIO

import pygame as pg

from . import inputs, evts

#: A ``{cls.device: { cls}}`` dict of usable named
#: :class:`Input <engine.evt.inputs.Input>` subclasses.
inputs_by_name = {}
for i in vars(inputs).values(): # copy or it'll change size during iteration
    if (isinstance(i, type) and not i.__name__.startswith('_') and
        issubclass(i, inputs.Input) and hasattr(i, 'name')):
        inputs_by_name.setdefault(i.device, {})[] = i
del i
#: A ``{ cls}`` dict of usable named
#: :class:`BaseEvent <engine.evt.evts.BaseEvent>` subclasses.
evts_by_name = dict(
    (, evt) for evt in vars(evts).values()
    if (isinstance(evt, type) and
        (issubclass(evt, evts.BaseEvent) and hasattr(evt, 'name')))

_input_identifiers = {
    inputs.KbdKey: lambda k: getattr(pg, 'K_' + k),
    inputs.MouseButton: lambda k: getattr(inputs.mbtn, k),
    inputs.PadButton: {}.__getitem__,
    inputs.PadAxis: {}.__getitem__,
    inputs.PadHat: {}.__getitem__

def _parse_input (lnum, n_components, words, scalable, device = None,
                  device_id = None):
    # parse an input declaration line; words is non-empty; returns input
    # find the device
    device_i = None
    for i, w in enumerate(words):
        if scalable and '*' in w:
            w = w[w.find('*') + 1:]
        if w in inputs_by_name:
            device_i = i
    if device_i is None:
        if device is None:
            raise ValueError('line {0}: input declaration contains no '
        # else device was given, so may omit it
        pre_dev = []
        device = words[device_i]
        pre_dev = words[:device_i]
        words = words[device_i + 1:]
    # parse relaxis scale
    scale = None
    if scalable and '*' in device:
        i = device.find('*')
        scale_s = device[:i]
        device = device[i + 1:]
        if i:
                scale = float(scale_s)
            except ValueError:
                raise ValueError('line {0}: invalid scaling value'
    # everything before device and before the first '[' is a component
    for w_i, w in enumerate(pre_dev):
        if w.startswith('['):
            # found a modifier
        w_i = len(pre_dev) # else will be (len - 1)
    evt_components = pre_dev[:w_i]
    if not evt_components:
        # use all components: let the event check for mismatches
        evt_components = None
    # separate out modifiers
    all_mod_words = []
    in_mod = False
    for w in pre_dev[w_i:]:
        if not in_mod:
            if w.startswith('['):
                # start of mod
                in_mod = True
                mod_words = []
                w = w[1:]
                raise ValueError('line {0}: expected a modifier, got \'{1}\''
                                 .format(lnum, w))
        if in_mod:
            if w.endswith(']'):
                # end of mod
                if w[:-1]:
                in_mod = False
                # continuation
    if in_mod:
        raise ValueError('line {0}: mod not closed'.format(lnum))

    # find the name
    names = inputs_by_name[device]
    name_i = None
    for i, w in enumerate(words):
        if ':' in w:
            w = w[:w.find(':')]
        if w in names:
            name_i = i
    input_components = None
    if name_i is None:
        name = None
        name = words[name_i]
        # parse input components
        if ':' in name:
            i = name.find(':')
            ics_s = name[i + 1:]
            name = name[:i]
            if ics_s:
                # comma-separated ints
                    # int() handles whitespace fine
                    input_components = [int(ic) for ic in ics_s.split(',')]
                except ValueError:
                    raise ValueError('line {0}: invalid input components'
    if not name:
        # name empty or entire argument omitted
        if len(names) == 1:
            # but there's only one choice
            name = names.keys()[0]
            raise ValueError('line {0}: input declaration contains no name'
    cls = names[name]
    # only device ID preceeds name
    if name_i is None or name_i == 0:
        device_id = True
    elif name_i == 1:
        if device_id is not None:
            print >> sys.stderr, 'warning: got device ID for modifier; ' \
            if cls not in (inputs.PadButton, inputs.PadAxis, inputs.PadHat):
                print >> sys.stderr, 'warning: got device ID for input ' \
                                     'that doesn\'t support it; ignoring'
            device_id = words[0]
            if device_id and device_id[0] == '<' and device_id[-1] == '>':
                device_id = device_id[1:-1]
                    device_id = int(device_id)
                except ValueError:
                    raise ValueError('line {0}: invalid device ID: \'{1}\''
                                     .format(lnum, device_id))
        raise ValueError('line {0}: too many arguments between device and name'
    if name_i is not None:
        words = words[name_i + 1:]

    # now just arguments remain
    if cls in (inputs.PadButton, inputs.PadAxis, inputs.PadHat):
        args = [device_id]
        args = []
    if cls in _input_identifiers:
        # first is an identifier
        src = _input_identifiers[cls]
        if not words:
            raise ValueError('line {0}: too few arguments'.format(lnum))
            ident = src(words[0])
        except (AttributeError, KeyError):
                ident = int(words[0])
            except ValueError:
                raise ValueError('line {0}: invalid {1} code'
                                 .format(lnum, name))
        words = words[1:]
    if cls in (inputs.KbdKey, inputs.MouseButton, inputs.PadButton):
        # no more args
        if words:
            raise ValueError('line {0}: too many arguments'.format(lnum))
    elif cls in (inputs.PadAxis, inputs.PadHat, inputs.MouseAxis):
        if cls is inputs.MouseAxis:
            # next arg is optional boundary
            if words:
                    bdy = float(words[0])
                except ValueError:
                    raise ValueError('line {0}: invalid \'boundary\' argument'
                words = words[1:]
                bdy = None
        # next args are optional thresholds
        thresholds = []
        if words:
            # let the input check values/numbers of components
            for w in words:
                except ValueError:
                    raise ValueError('line {0}: invalid \'threshold\' argument'
        if not thresholds:
            thresholds = None

    # parse modifiers and add to args
    mod_num = 1
    for mod_words in all_mod_words:
        if len(mod_words) == 1 and hasattr(inputs.mod, mod_words[0]):
            # got a multi-modifier
            mod_i = getattr(inputs.mod, mod_words[0])
            mod_ics = (0,)
            # parse the mod's words like any other input
            mod_i, mod_ecs, mod_ics = _parse_input(
                '{0}[mod {1}]'.format(lnum, mod_num), 1, mod_words, False,
                device, device_id
            mod_num += 1
            if (mod_ecs not in (None, (0,)) or
                (mod_ics is None and mod_i.components > 1) or
                (mod_ics is not None and len(mod_ics) > 1)):
                raise ValueError('line {0}: modifier cannot use more '
                                 'than one component'.format(lnum))
            if mod_ics is None:
                # mod_i has 1 component, so use that
                mod_ics = (0,)
        # now mod_ics is a length-1 sequence (can never be length-0)
        args.append((mod_i, mod_ics[0]))

    return ((() if scale is None else (scale,)) +
            (cls(*args), evt_components, input_components))

def _parse_evthead (lnum, words):
    # parse first line of an event declaration
    # words is non-empty and first is guaranteed to be a valid event type
    # returns (cls, name, args)
    evt_type = words[0]
    # get name
    if len(words) < 2:
        raise ValueError('line {0}: expected name for event'.format(lnum))
    name = words[1]
    if not name:
        raise ValueError('line {0}: invalid event name: \'{0}\''.format(lnum))
    words = words[2:]
    # parse args according to event type
    args = []
    kwargs = {}
    if evt_type in ('axis', 'axis2', 'relaxis', 'relaxis2'):
        if words:
            raise ValueError('line {0}: axis and relaxis events take no '
    elif evt_type in ('button', 'button2', 'button4'):
        # args are modes, last few may be repeat/double-click delays
        delays = []
        for i in xrange(len(words)):
            if hasattr(evts.bmode, words[i]):
                args.append(getattr(evts.bmode, words[i]))
                # check for float
                if i < len(words) - 3:
                    raise ValueError('line {0}: invalid event arguments'
                # got one: do the last part of the loop
                for w in words[i:]:
                    except ValueError:
                        raise ValueError('line {0}: invalid event arguments'
        # work out which delay is which
            ('initial_delay', 'repeat_delay'),
            ('dbl_click_time', 'initial_delay', 'repeat_delay'),
        ][len(delays)], delays)))
        raise ValueError('line {0}: unknown event type \'{1}\''
                         .format(lnum, evt_type))
    return (evts_by_name[evt_type], name, args, kwargs)

[docs]def parse (config): """Parse an event configuration. parse(config) -> parsed :arg config: an open file-like object (with a ``readline`` method). :return: ``{name: event}`` for each named :class:`BaseEvent <engine.evt.evts.BaseEvent>` instance. """ parsed = {} # events evt_cls = None lnum = 1 while True: line = config.readline() if not line: # end of file break words = shlex.split(line, True) if words: if words[0] in evts_by_name: # new event: create and add current event if evt_cls is not None: parsed[evt_name] = evt_cls(*args, **kwargs) evt_cls, evt_name, args, kwargs = _parse_evthead(lnum, words) if evt_name in parsed: raise ValueError('line {0}: duplicate event name: \'{1}\'' .format(lnum, evt_name)) scalable = in ('relaxis', 'relaxis2') else: if evt_cls is None: raise ValueError('line {0}: expected event'.format(lnum)) # input line if issubclass(evt_cls, evts.MultiEvent): n_cs = evt_cls.multiple * evt_cls.child.components else: n_cs = evt_cls.components args.append(_parse_input(lnum, n_cs, words, scalable)) # else blank line lnum += 1 if evt_cls is not None: parsed[evt_name] = evt_cls(*args, **kwargs) return parsed
[docs]def parse_s (config): """Parse an event configuration from a string. parse(config) -> parsed :arg config: the string to parse :return: ``{name: event}`` for each named :class:`BaseEvent <engine.evt.evts.BaseEvent>` instance. """ return parse(StringIO(config))