Source code for engine.evt.evts

"""Event classes for connecting inputs with callbacks."""

import sys

import pygame as pg

from ..util.cb import wrap_fn
from . import inputs
from .inputs import Input

[docs]class bmode: """Contains :class:`Button` modes.""" DOWN = 1 UP = 2 HELD = 4 REPEAT = 8 DBLCLICK = 16
#: ``{n_components: component_names}`` for event components, giving a sequence #: of component names corresponding to their indices for an event's number of #: components. evt_component_names = { 0: (), 1: ('button',), 2: ('neg', 'pos'), 4: ('left', 'right', 'up', 'down') }
[docs]class BaseEvent (Input): """Abstract event base class. Subclasses must implement methods :meth:`Event.add`, :meth:`Event.rm`, and either :meth:`Event.gen_cb_args` or :meth:`respond`. """ #: Like :attr:`Input.components <engine.evt.inputs.Input.components>`---the #: number of components the event can handle. components = 0 device = 'evt' def __init__ (self): Input.__init__(self) self._eh = None #: dict whose keys are functions to call on input. # values are wrappers to call = {} self._changed = False def __str__ (self): return '<{0}>'.format(type(self).__name__) @property def eh (self): """Containing :class:`EventHandler <engine.evt.handler.EventHandler>`, or ``None``.""" return self._eh or @eh.setter def eh (self, eh): self._eh = eh def _parse_input (self, i): # normalise the form of an input as taken by Event.add components = self.components # work out components and perform checks if isinstance(i, Input): if i.components != components: raise ValueError( '{0} got a non-{1}-component input but no component ' 'data'.format(type(self).__name__, components) ) i = (i,) if len(i) == 1: i = (i[0], None) if len(i) == 2: i = (i[0], i[1], None) if i[1] is None: i = (i[0], range(components), i[2]) if i[2] is None: i = (i[0], i[1], range(i[0].components)) i, orig_evt_components, input_components = i if isinstance(orig_evt_components, (int, basestring)): orig_evt_components = (orig_evt_components,) if isinstance(input_components, int): input_components = (input_components,) evt_components = [] c_by_name = None for ec in orig_evt_components: # translate from name if isinstance(ec, basestring): if c_by_name is None: c_by_name = dict((v, i) for i, v in enumerate(evt_component_names[components]) ) try: ec = c_by_name[ec] except KeyError: raise ValueError('unknown component name: \'{0}\'' .format(ec)) # check validity if ec < 0 or ec >= components: raise ValueError('{0} has no component {1}' .format(self, ec)) evt_components.append(ec) for ic in input_components: if ic < 0 or ic >= i.components: raise ValueError('{0} has no component {1}'.format(i, ic)) if len(evt_components) != len(input_components): raise ValueError('component mismatch: {0}: cannot map {2} to {1}' .format(i, evt_components, input_components)) return (i, evt_components, input_components)
[docs] def cb (self, *cbs): """Add any number of callbacks to :attr:`cbs`. cb(*cbs) -> self For all event types, if a callback is determined not to be able to take arguments, it is not passed any. """ all_cbs = for cb in cbs: all_cbs[cb] = wrap_fn(cb) return self
[docs] def rm_cbs (self, *cbs): """Remove any number of callbacks from :attr:`cbs`. rm_cbs(*cbs) -> self Missing items are ignored. """ all_cbs = for cb in cbs: if cb in all_cbs: del all_cbs[cb] return self
[docs] def respond (self, changed): """Handle inputs and call callbacks. :arg changed: whether any inputs changed in any way. Called by the containing :class:`EventHandler <engine.evt.handler.EventHandler>`, and guaranteed to be called every time the handler is updated (which should happen every frame). """ for i in self.inputs: if isinstance(i, BaseEvent): this_changed = i._changed or changed i._changed = False i.respond(this_changed) cbs = for args in self.gen_cb_args(changed): for cb in cbs: cb(*args)
# dummy methods that inputs use
[docs] def inp_down (self, i, component): """Used by subclasses to handle :class:`ButtonInput <engine.evt.inputs.ButtonInput>` instances. :arg i: the calling input. :arg component: the input's component that has been toggled down. """ pass
[docs] def inp_up (self, i, component): """Used by subclasses to handle :class:`ButtonInput <engine.evt.inputs.ButtonInput>` instances. :arg i: the calling input. :arg component: the input's component that has been toggled up. """ pass
[docs]class Event (BaseEvent): """Connects inputs and callbacks. Takes any number of inputs like :meth:`add`. This event type calls callbacks with a single ``pygame.event.Event`` instance, once for each event gathered by the inputs. """ def __init__ (self, *inps): BaseEvent.__init__(self) #: ``{input: (evt_components, input_components)}`` (see :meth:`add`). self.inputs = {} self.add(*inps)
[docs] def add (self, *inps): """Add inputs to this event. add(*inps) -> new_inputs :return: a list of inputs that weren't already registered with this event. Takes any number of inputs or ``(input, evt_components = None, input_components = None)`` tuples. - ``evt_components`` is a sequence of the component indices (or a single component index) of this event that this input provides data for. Defaults to every component, in order. Instead of indices, components can also be names from :data:`evt_component_names`. - ``input_components`` is a sequence of the component indices of (or a single component index) of the input to match up to ``evt_components``. Defaults to every component of the input, in order. If there is a mismatch in numbers of components, ``ValueError`` is raised. """ parse_input = self._parse_input self_add = self.inputs.__setitem__ eh_add = None if is None else new_inputs = [] for i in inps: i, evt_components, input_components = parse_input(i) if not self.input_valid(i): raise TypeError('input {0} passed to {1} is invalid' .format(i, type(self).__name__)) # add if not already added evt = i.evt if evt is not self: if evt is not None: raise RuntimeError('an input should not be added to more ' 'than one event') self_add(i, (evt_components, input_components)) new_inputs.append(i) i.evt = self if hasattr(i, 'used_components'): i.used_components[self] = input_components if eh_add is not None: eh_add(i) return new_inputs
[docs] def rm (self, *inps): """Remove inputs from this event. Takes any number of :class:`Input <engine.evt.inputs.Input>` instances and ignores missing items. """ self_rm = self.inputs.__delitem__ eh_rm = None if is None else for i in inps: if i.evt is self: assert i in self.inputs self_rm(i) i.evt = None if hasattr(i, 'used_components'): del i.used_components[self] if eh_rm is not None: eh_rm(i)
[docs] def input_valid (self, i): """Check if the given input is valid for this event type.""" return isinstance(i, inputs.BasicInput)
[docs] def gen_cb_args (self, changed): """Generate sets of arguments to call callbacks with. :arg changed: whether any inputs changed in any way. This is implemented as an iterator, with each value a sequence of arguments to pass to each callback. Guaranteed to be called whenever :meth:`BaseEvent.respond` is. """ if changed: for i in self.inputs: # call once for each Pygame event stored for pgevt in i._pgevts: yield (pgevt,) i.reset()
[docs]class MultiEvent (BaseEvent): """Base class for generating multiples of :class:`Event` subclasses. MultiEvent(inps, *args, **kw) :arg inps: a sequence of inputs as taken as arguments by :class:`Event`. :arg args: positional arguments to pass to every sub-event on instantiation. :arg kw: keyword arguments to pass to every sub-event. Subclasses must define a ``child`` attribute giving the class that this is to be a multiple of, and a ``multiple`` attribute giving the number of sub-events to wrap. They should take note of the behaviour of :meth:`gen_cb_args`, possibly wrapping it. """ def __init__ (self, inps, *args, **kw): self.components = self.multiple * self.child.components #: A list of sub-events, in order of the components they map to. self.evts = [self.child(*args, **kw) for i in xrange(self.multiple)] for evt in self.evts: evt._changed = False BaseEvent.__init__(self) self.add(*inps) @property def inputs (self): return set().union(*(evt.inputs for evt in self.evts)) def eh (self, eh): # make events have the same handler, so inputs can let it know about # filtering changes, eh) for evt in self.evts: = eh def _parse_input (self, i): i, ecs, ics = BaseEvent._parse_input(self, i) return ((i,), ecs, ics) def add (self, *inps): """:inherit:""" parse_input = self._parse_input # args to pass to each event's add method arglists = [[] for i in xrange(self.multiple)] cs_per_evt = self.components // self.multiple for i in inps: i, evt_components, input_components = parse_input(i) # sort e/i components together, by e mixed_cs = sorted(zip(evt_components, input_components)) # distribute input's components between events ecs = [] ics = [] current_evt_i = 0 i_added = False for ec, ic in mixed_cs: evt_i = ec // cs_per_evt if evt_i != current_evt_i: # moving on to a new event if ecs: arglists[current_evt_i].append(i + (ecs, ics)) ecs = [] ics = [] current_evt_i = evt_i ecs.append(ec % cs_per_evt) ics.append(ic) if ecs: arglists[current_evt_i].append(i + (ecs, ics)) # add to events new_inputs = set() for evt, args in zip(self.evts, arglists): if args: new_inputs.update(evt.add(*args)) return list(new_inputs) def rm (self, *inps): """:inherit:""" for evt in self.evts: evt.rm(*inps)
[docs] def gen_cb_args (self, changed): """:meth:`Event.gen_cb_args`. Argument lists are returned for each event, with the event's index inserted as the first argument. """ for i, evt in enumerate(self.evts): changed = evt._changed evt._changed = False for args in evt.gen_cb_args(changed): # args are (event index, *args) yield (i,) + tuple(args)
[docs]class Button (Event, inputs.ButtonInput): """Button event. Also acts as a :class:`ButtonInput <engine.evt.inputs.ButtonInput>`. Button(*items[, initial_delay][, repeat_delay][, dbl_click_time]) :arg items: each item is either an input as taken by :class:`Event`, or a button mode (one of :data:`bmode.DOWN`, :data:`bmode.UP`, :data:`bmode.HELD` and :data:`bmode.REPEAT`) or a bitwise-OR of button modes. :arg initial_delay: if the :data:`bmode.REPEAT` mode is given, this is the initial delay in seconds before a button starts repeating while held. :arg repeat_delay: like initial_delay, the time between repeats in seconds. :arg dbl_click_time: if the :data:`bmode.DBLCLICK` mode is given, this is the maximum delay in seconds between down events for a double-click event to be registered. Callbacks are called with ``{mode: count}`` for each ``mode`` given, where ``count`` is the number of occurrences of events corresponding to that mode that have happened within the last frame. The ``count`` for :data:`bmode.HELD` is only ever ``0`` or ``1``, and indicates whether the button was held at the end of the frame. The ``count`` for :data:`bmode.REPEAT` may only be ``> 1`` if either repeat rate is greater than the current framerate. The ``count`` for :data:`bmode.DBLCLICK` may only be ``> 1`` if at least 3 down events are registered within a frame. """ name = 'button' components = 1 def __init__ (self, *items, **kw): modes = 0 inps = [] for item in items: if isinstance(item, int): modes |= item else: inps.append(item) if not modes: print >> sys.stderr, 'warning: no modes passed to Button event' Event.__init__(self, *inps) inputs.ButtonInput.__init__(self) #: A bitwise-OR of all button modes passed to the constructor. self.modes = modes self._downevts = self._upevts = 0 #: As passed to the constructor. self.initial_delay = kw.get('initial_delay') #: As passed to the constructor. self.repeat_delay = kw.get('repeat_delay') if modes & bmode.REPEAT and (self.initial_delay is None or self.repeat_delay is None): raise TypeError('initial_delay and repeat_delay arguments are ' 'required if given the REPEAT mode') #: As passed to the constructor. self.dbl_click_time = kw.get('dbl_click_time') if modes & bmode.DBLCLICK and self.dbl_click_time is None: raise TypeError('dbl_click_time argument is required if given the ' 'DBLCLICK mode') # whether currently repeating self._repeating = False # whether within the double-click timeout self._can_dbl_click = False def input_valid (self, i): """:inherit:""" return i.provides['button'] def inp_down (self, i, component): """:inherit:""" if component in self.inputs[i][1]: self._downevts += 1 inputs.ButtonInput.down(self) def inp_up (self, i, component): """:inherit:""" if component in self.inputs[i][1]: self._upevts += 1 # stop repeating if let go of all buttons at any point if (self.modes & bmode.REPEAT and not any(i.held(self)[0] for i in self.inputs)): self._repeating = False inputs.ButtonInput.up(self) def gen_cb_args (self, changed): """:inherit:""" modes = self.modes if modes & (bmode.HELD | bmode.REPEAT): held = any(i.held(self)[0] for i in self.inputs) else: held = False if not changed and not held and not self._can_dbl_click: # nothing to do return # construct callback argument evts = {} downevts = self._downevts if modes & bmode.DOWN: evts[bmode.DOWN] = self._downevts if modes & bmode.UP: evts[bmode.UP] = self._upevts self._downevts = self._upevts = 0 if modes & bmode.HELD: evts[bmode.HELD] = held if modes & bmode.REPEAT: n_repeats = 0 if self._repeating: if held: # continue repeating if is None: raise RuntimeError('cannot respond properly if not ' 'attached to an EventHandler') t = self._repeat_remain # use target framerate for determinism t -= if t < 0: # repeat rate may be greater than the framerate n_repeats, t = divmod(t, self.repeat_delay) n_repeats = -int(n_repeats) self._repeat_remain = t else: # stop repeating self._repeating = False elif held: # start repeating self._repeating = True self._repeat_remain = self.initial_delay evts[bmode.REPEAT] = n_repeats if modes & bmode.DBLCLICK: n_dbls = 0 got = downevts > 0 if not self._can_dbl_click: # handled the first down event downevts -= 1 self._can_dbl_click = can = not (downevts % 2) if got: # got some presses if can: # end on a first press: reset timer self._dbl_click_remain = self.dbl_click_time if downevts > 0: # got some second presses within the required time n_dbls = (downevts + 1) / 2 elif can: # reduce time left to click again self._dbl_click_remain -= if self._dbl_click_remain < 0: self._can_dbl_click = False evts[bmode.DBLCLICK] = n_dbls if any(evts.itervalues()): yield (evts,)
[docs]class Button2 (MultiEvent): """A 2-component version of :class:`Button`. Button2(*items[, initial_delay][, repeat_delay][, dbl_click_time]) Callbacks are called with ``(button, evts)``, where ``button`` is the button this applies to (``0`` or ``1``) and ``evts`` is the argument passed by :class:`Button`. """ name = 'button2' child = Button multiple = 2 def __init__ (self, *items, **kw): modes = 0 inps = [] for item in items: if isinstance(item, int): modes |= item else: inps.append(item) MultiEvent.__init__(self, inps, modes, **kw)
[docs]class Button4 (Button2): """A 4-component version of :class:`Button`. Button4(*items[, initial_delay][, repeat_delay][, dbl_click_time]) Callbacks are called with ``(axis, dirn, evts)``, where we treat the 4 buttons as being (left, up, right, down). ``axis`` corresponds to the x or y axis (``0`` (left, right) or ``1``) and ``dirn`` gives the button's direction (``-1`` (left, up) or ``1``). ``evts`` is the argument passed by :class:`Button`. """ name = 'button4' multiple = 4
[docs] def gen_cb_args (self, changed): for args in Button2.gen_cb_args(self, changed): btn = args[0] yield ((1 if btn >= 2 else 0, 1 if btn % 2 else -1) + tuple(args[1:]))
[docs]class Axis (Event, inputs.AxisInput): """Axis event. Also acts as an :class:`AxisInput <engine.evt.inputs.AxisInput>`. Axis(*inps[, thresholds]) :arg inps: inputs as taken by :class:`Event`. :arg thresholds: to act as a button input, as taken by :class:`AxisInput <engine.evt.inputs.AxisInput>`. The magnitude of the axis position for a button is ``1`` if it is held, else ``0``. Callbacks are called every frame with the current axis position (after summing over each registered input and restricting to ``-1 <= x <= 1``). """ name = 'axis' components = 2 def __init__ (self, *inps, **kw): Event.__init__(self, *inps) inputs.AxisInput.__init__(self, thresholds=kw.get('thresholds')) self._evt_pos = 0 def input_valid (self, i): """:inherit:""" return i.provides['axis'] or i.provides['button'] def gen_cb_args (self, changed): """:inherit:""" if changed: # compute position: sum over every input pos = 0 for i, (evt_components, input_components) \ in self.inputs.iteritems(): if i.provides['axis']: # add current axis position for each component for ec, ic in zip(evt_components, input_components): pos += (2 * ec - 1) * i._pos[ic] else: # i.provides['button'] used_components = i.used_components[self] # add 1 for each held component for j, held in enumerate(i.held(self)): c = used_components[j] ic = input_components[c] if ic in used_components and i._held[ic]: pos += 2 * evt_components[c] - 1 # clamp to [-1, 1] self._evt_pos = pos = min(1, max(-1, pos)) else: # use previous position pos = self._evt_pos yield (pos,) def respond (self, changed): """:inherit:""" BaseEvent.respond(self, changed) if changed: self.axis_motion(0, self._evt_pos)
[docs]class Axis2 (MultiEvent): """A double :class:`Axis`. Callbacks are called every frame with a list of axis positions for each of the two axes. """ name = 'axis2' child = Axis multiple = 2 def __init__ (self, *inps): MultiEvent.__init__(self, inps) def gen_cb_args (self, changed): """:inherit:""" pos = [0] * self.multiple for evt_i, this_pos in MultiEvent.gen_cb_args(self, changed): pos[evt_i] += this_pos yield (pos,)
[docs]class RelAxis (Event, inputs.RelAxisInput): """Relative axis event. Also acts as a :class:`RelAxisInput <engine.evt.inputs.RelAxisInput>`. RelAxis(*inps[, bdy][, thresholds]) :arg inps: inputs as taken by :class:`Event`. :arg bdy: to act as an axis input, as taken by :class:`RelAxisInput <engine.evt.inputs.RelAxisInput>`. :arg thresholds: as taken by :class:`AxisInput <engine.evt.inputs.AxisInput>`. Each input is scaled by a positive number (see :meth:`add` for details). The magnitude of the relative position for an axis is its position, and for a button is ``1`` if it is held, else ``0``. Callbacks are called with the total, scaled relative change over all inputs registered with this event. """ name = 'relaxis' components = 2 def __init__ (self, *inps, **kw): #: ``{scale: input}`` (see :meth:`add`). self.input_scales = {} Event.__init__(self, *inps) inputs.RelAxisInput.__init__(self, bdy=kw.get('bdy'), thresholds=kw.get('thresholds'))
[docs] def add (self, *inps): """:meth:`Event.add`. Inputs are ``(scale = 1, input, evt_components = None, input_components = None)``, where ``scale`` is a positive number to scale the relative axis's position by before calling callbacks. """ # extract and store scales before passing to Event.add real_inputs = [] scale = self.input_scales for i in inps: if isinstance(i, Input): i = (i,) if isinstance(i[0], Input): i = (1,) + tuple(i) if i[0] < 0: raise ValueError("input scaling must be non-negative.") scale[i[1]] = i[0] real_inputs.append(i[1:]) return Event.add(self, *real_inputs)
def rm (self, *inps): """:inherit:""" Event.rm(self, *inps) # remove stored scales (no KeyError means all inputs exist) scale = self.input_scales for i in inps: del scale[i] def input_valid (self, i): """:inherit:""" return (i.provides['relaxis'] or i.provides['axis'] or i.provides['button']) def gen_cb_args (self, changed): """:inherit:""" rel = 0 scale = self.input_scales # sum all relative positions for i, (evt_components, input_components) \ in self.inputs.iteritems(): this_rel = 0 if i.provides['relaxis']: for ec, ic in zip(evt_components, input_components): this_rel += (2 * ec - 1) * i.rel[ic] i.reset(*input_components) elif i.provides['axis']: # use axis position for ec, ic in zip(evt_components, input_components): this_rel += (2 * ec - 1) * i._pos[ic] else: # i.provides['button'] used_components = i.used_components[self] # use 1 for each held component for j, held in enumerate(i.held(self)): c = used_components[j] ic = input_components[c] if ic in used_components and i._held[ic]: this_rel += 2 * evt_components[c] - 1 rel += this_rel * scale[i] if rel: self.relaxis_motion(0, rel) yield (rel,)
[docs]class RelAxis2 (MultiEvent): """A double :class:`RelAxis`. Callbacks are called every frame with a list of positions for each of the two relative axes. """ name = 'relaxis2' child = RelAxis multiple = 2 def __init__ (self, *inps): MultiEvent.__init__(self, inps) def _parse_input (self, i): if isinstance(i, Input): i = (i,) if isinstance(i[0], Input): return MultiEvent._parse_input(self, i) else: scale = i[0] i, ecs, ics = MultiEvent._parse_input(self, i[1:]) return ((scale,) + i, ecs, ics) def gen_cb_args (self, changed): """:inherit:""" rel = [0] * self.multiple for evt_i, this_rel in MultiEvent.gen_cb_args(self, changed): rel[evt_i] += this_rel yield (rel,)