Source code for engine.gfx.graphic

"""Basic graphic representing an image.


 - a solution to the rotation problem (jaggy edges if they were the surface borders)
 - why can't we move rotate earlier?
 - use subsurface for crop transform (but requires rect to be within surface)
 - GraphicView probably doesn't work if in different manager - need to have own _dirty?
 - something that wraps a Graphic to be a copy of it, like Animation does, and has .graphic setter - for use in other classes
    - use in Animation, etc.



from math import sin, cos, pi

import pygame as pg
from pygame import Rect

from ..conf import conf
from ..util import (ir, pos_in_rect, align_rect, normalise_colour, has_alpha,
                    blank_sfc, combine_drawn, Owned)

[docs]class Graphic (Owned): """Something that can be drawn to the screen. Graphic(img, pos=(0, 0), layer=0, pool=conf.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_POOL, res_mgr=conf.GAME.resources) :arg img: surface or filename (under :data:`conf.IMG_DIR`) to load. If a surface, it should be already converted for blitting. :arg pos: initial ``(x, y)`` position. The existence of a default is because you might use :meth:`align` immediately on adding to a :class:`GraphicsManager <engine.gfx.container.GraphicsManager>`. :arg layer: the layer to draw in, lower being closer to the 'front'. This can actually be any hashable object except ``None``, as long as all layers used in the same :class:`GraphicsManager <engine.gfx.container.GraphicsManager>` can be ordered with respect to each other. :arg pool: :class:`ResourceManager <engine.res.ResourceManager>` resource pool name to cache any loaded images in. :arg res_mgr: :class:`ResourceManager <engine.res.ResourceManager>` instance to use to load any images. Many properties of a graphic, such as :attr:`pos` and :attr:`size`, can be changed in two main ways: by setting the attribute directly, or by calling the corresponding method. The former is more natural, and is useful for :meth:`sched.Scheduler.interp() <engine.sched.Scheduler.interp>`, while the latter all return the graphic, and so can be chained together. Position and size can also be retrieved and altered using list indexing, like with Pygame rects. Altering size in any way applies the :meth:`resize` transformation. :meth:`resize`, :meth:`crop`, :meth:`flip`, :meth:`opacify` and :meth:`rotate` correspond to builtin transforms (see :meth:`transform`). """ is_view = False _builtin_transforms = ('crop', 'flip', 'tint', 'resize', 'rotate') def __init__ (self, img, pos=(0, 0), layer=0, pool=conf.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_POOL, res_mgr=None): Owned.__init__(self, 1) self._resource_pool = pool self._resource_manager = res_mgr if isinstance(img, basestring): #: Filename of the loaded image, or ``None`` if a surface was #: given. self.fn = img img = self._load_img(img) else: self.fn = None self._orig_sfc = self._surface = img # postrot is the rect drawn in self._postrot_rect = self._rect = Rect(pos, img.get_size()) self._last_postrot_rect = Rect(self._postrot_rect) #: :attr:`rect` at the time of the last draw. self.last_rect = Rect(self._rect) self._anchor = (0, 0) self._rot_anchor = 'center' self._rot_offset = (0, 0) # postrot_pos = pos + rot_offset self._must_apply_rot = False #: A list of transformations applied to the graphic. Always contains #: the builtin transforms as strings (though they do nothing #: by default); other transforms are added through :meth:`transform`, #: and are functions. self.transforms = list(self._builtin_transforms) self._last_transforms = list(self.transforms) # {function: (args, previous_surface, resulting_surface, apply_fn, # undo_fn)} # last 2 None for non-builtins self._transforms = {} # {function: (args, previous_size, resulting_size, apply_fn, undo_fn)} # last 4 None for non-builtins self._queued_transforms = {} #: Whether the graphic is completely opaque; do not change. self.opaque = not has_alpha(img) self._layer = layer #: When blitting the surface, this is passed as the ``special_flags`` #: argument. self._last_blit_flags = self.blit_flags = 0 #: Whether currently (supposed to be) visible on-screen. self.visible = True #: Whether this graphic was visible at the time of the last draw; do #: not change. self.was_visible = False self._scale = (1, 1) self._cropped_rect = None self._flipped = (False, False) self._tint_colour = (255, 255, 255, 255) self._angle = 0 self._scale_fn = pg.transform.smoothscale self._rotate_fn = lambda sfc, angle: \ pg.transform.rotozoom(sfc, angle * 180 / pi, 1) self._rotate_threshold = 2 * pi / 500 self._orig_dirty = False # where original surface is changed # where final surface is changed; gets used (and reset) by manager self._dirty = [] # {cb: evts} self._cbs = {} # {evt: cbs} self._evts = {} def __getitem__ (self, i): if isinstance(i, slice): # Rect is weird and only accepts slices through slice syntax # this is the easiest way around it (and slicing doesn't work with # Python 3 anyway) r = self._rect return [r[i] for i in range(4)[i]] else: return self._rect[i] def __setitem__ (self, i, v): r = Rect(self._rect) if isinstance(i, slice): for v_i, r_i in enumerate(range(4)[i]): r[r_i] = v[v_i] else: r[i] = v self.rect = r @property def orig_sfc (self): """The surface before any transforms. When setting this, the surface should be already converted for blitting. """ return self._orig_sfc @orig_sfc.setter def orig_sfc (self, sfc): size = sfc.get_size() old_sfc = self._orig_sfc self._orig_sfc = sfc if size != old_sfc.get_size(): self.size_changed(size) self._orig_dirty = True self._call_cbs('change orig', old_sfc, sfc) @property def surface (self): """The (possibly transformed) surface that will be used for drawing. Accessing this will cause all queued transformations to be applied. """ self.render() return self._surface # appearance properties @property def rect (self): """``pygame.Rect`` giving the on-screen area covered. May be set directly, but not altered in-place. This is actually the rect before rotation, which is probably what you want, really. To get the real rect, use :attr:`postrot_rect`. """ return self._rect @rect.setter def rect (self, rect): # need to set dirty in old and new rects (if changed) rect = Rect(rect) old_rect = self._rect self._rect = Rect(rect.topleft, self._rect.size) if rect.size != old_rect.size: self.resize(*rect.size) @property def x (self): """``x`` co-ordinate of the top-left corner of :attr:`rect`.""" return self._rect[0] @x.setter def x (self, x): r = Rect(self._rect) r[0] = x self.rect = r @property def y (self): """``y`` co-ordinate of the top-left corner of :attr:`rect`.""" return self._rect[1] @y.setter def y (self, y): r = Rect(self._rect) r[1] = y self.rect = r @property def pos (self): """``(``:attr:`x` ``,`` :attr:`y` ``)``.""" return self._rect.topleft @pos.setter def pos (self, pos): self.rect = (pos, self._rect.size) @property def w (self): """Width of :attr:`rect`; uses :meth:`resize`.""" return self._rect[2] @w.setter def w (self, w): r = Rect(self._rect) r[2] = w self.rect = r @property def h (self): """Height of :attr:`rect`; uses :meth:`resize`.""" return self._rect[3] @h.setter def h (self, h): r = Rect(self._rect) r[3] = h self.rect = r @property def size (self): """``(``:attr:`w` ``,`` :attr:`h` ``)``.""" return self._rect.size @size.setter def size (self, size): self.rect = (self._rect.topleft, size) @property def scale_x (self): """Scaling ratio of the graphic on the x-axis; uses :meth:`rescale`.""" return self._scale[0] @scale_x.setter def scale_x (self, scale_x): self.rescale(scale_x, self._scale[1]) @property def scale_y (self): """Scaling ratio of the graphic on the y-axis; uses :meth:`rescale`.""" return self._scale[1] @scale_y.setter def scale_y (self, scale_y): self.rescale(self._scale[0], scale_y) @property def scale (self): """``(``:attr:`scale_x` ``,`` :attr:`scale_y` ``)``. Can be set to a single number to scale by in both dimensions. """ return self._scale @scale.setter def scale (self, scale): if isinstance(scale, (int, float)): self.rescale(scale, scale) else: self.rescale(*scale) @property def cropped_rect (self): """The rect currently cropped to.""" if self._cropped_rect is None: return Rect((0, 0), self.sz_before_transform('crop')) else: return self._cropped_rect @cropped_rect.setter def cropped_rect (self, rect): self.crop(rect) @property def flipped_x (self): """Whether flipped on the x-axis.""" return self._flipped[0] @flipped_x.setter def flipped_x (self, flipped_x): self.flip(flipped_x, self._flipped[1]) @property def flipped_y (self): """Whether flipped on the y-axis.""" return self._flipped[0] @flipped_x.setter def flipped_y (self, flipped_y): self.flip(self._flipped[0], flipped_y) @property def flipped (self): """``(``:attr:`flipped_x` ``,`` :attr:`flipped_y` ``)``. Can be set to a single value to apply to both dimensions. """ return self._flipped @flipped.setter def flipped (self, flipped): if isinstance(flipped, (bool, int)): self.flip(flipped, flipped) else: self.flip(*flipped) @property def tint_colour (self): """Tinted colour of the graphic, as taken by :func:`engine.util.normalise_colour`.""" return self._tint_colour @tint_colour.setter def tint_colour (self, colour): self.tint(colour) @property def opacity (self): """Opacity of the graphic, from ``0`` (transparent) to ``255``.""" return self._tint_colour[3] @opacity.setter def opacity (self, opacity): self.opacify(opacity) @property def angle (self): """Current rotation angle, anti-clockwise in radians. Also see :attr:`rot_anchor`. """ return self._angle @angle.setter def angle (self, angle): self.rotate(angle) @property def postrot_rect (self): """``pygame.Rect`` giving the on-screen area covered after rotation.""" self.render() return self._postrot_rect @property def anchor (self): """The point within :attr:`rect` to fix in place when size changes. This is a position as taken by :func:`engine.util.pos_in_rect` (where the ``rect`` argument will be :attr:`rect`). Defaults to ``(0, 0)``. """ return self._anchor @anchor.setter def anchor (self, anchor): self._anchor = anchor self.retransform('resize') @property def rot_anchor (self): """Like :attr:`anchor`, used for rotation. Defaults to ``'center'``. """ return self._rot_anchor @rot_anchor.setter def rot_anchor (self, anchor): self._rot_anchor = anchor self.retransform('rotate') @property def scale_fn (self): """Function to use for scaling. Defaults to ``pygame.transform.smoothscale`` (and should have the same signature as this default). """ return self._scale_fn @scale_fn.setter def scale_fn (self, scale_fn): self._scale_fn = scale_fn self.retransform('resize') @property def rotate_fn (self): """Function to use for rotating. Uses ``pygame.transform.rotozoom`` by default. Takes the surface and angle (as passed to :meth:`rotate`) and returns the new rotated surface. """ return self._rotate_fn @rotate_fn.setter def rotate_fn (self, rotate_fn): self._rotate_fn = rotate_fn self.retransform('rotate') @property def rotate_threshold (self): """Only rotate when the angle changes by this much. Defaults to ``2 * pi / 500``.""" return self._rotate_threshold @rotate_threshold.setter def rotate_threshold (self, rotate_threshold): self._rotate_threshold = rotate_threshold self.retransform('rotate') # other properties @property def owner (self): """The thing that 'owns' this graphic. This is usually a :class:`GraphicsManager <engine.gfx.container.GraphicsManager>` instance, or ``None``, but may be any other object. If this object has ``'add'``, ``'rm'`` or ``'orig_size'`` attributes, these must be implemented like in :class:`GraphicsManager <engine.gfx.container.GraphicsManager>`. This property may be changed directly. """ return Owned.owner.fget(self) @property def layer (self): """As taken by the constructor.""" return self._layer @layer.setter def layer (self, layer): if layer != self._layer: # change layer in gm by removing, setting attribute, then adding m = self.owner if hasattr(m, 'rm'): m.rm(self) self._layer = layer if hasattr(m, 'add'): m.add(self) # movement
[docs] def move_to (self, x = None, y = None): """Move to the given position. move_to([x][, y]) -> self Omitted arguments are unchanged. """ r = Rect(self._rect) if x is not None: r[0] = x if y is not None: r[1] = y self.rect = r return self
[docs] def move_by (self, dx = 0, dy = 0): """Move by the given number of pixels. move_by(dx = 0, dy = 0) -> self """ self.rect = self._rect.move(dx, dy) return self
[docs] def align (self, alignment = 0, pad = 0, offset = 0, within = None): """Position this graphic within a rect. align(alignment = 0, pad = 0, offset = 0, within = self.owner.orig_sfc.get_rect()) -> self All arguments are as taken by :func:`engine.util.align_rect`. """ if within is None: if not hasattr(self.owner, 'orig_size'): raise TypeError('received no \'within\' argument and owner ' 'has no \'orig_size\' attribute') within = Rect((0, 0), self.owner.orig_size) self.pos = align_rect(self._rect, within, alignment, pad, offset) return self
# transform """Doc for _gen_mods_* methods. Each builtin transform requires a _gen_mods_<transform> method, as follows: _gen_mods_<transform>(src_sz, first_time, last_args, *args) -> ((apply_fn, undo_fn), dest_sz) src_sz: size before the transform. first_time: whether this is the first time these modifiers have been generated. last_args: transform arguments at the time of the last modifier generation, or None. Guaranteed to be non-None if first_time is False If first_time is False and the modifiers would not be different from previously, the return value may be None. apply_fn, undo_fn: functions that take the Graphic instance and apply or undo modifiers that the transform requires (such as setting transform attributes like angle). dest_sz: the size after the transform. """
[docs] def last_transform_args (self, transform_fn): """Return the last (tuple of) arguments passed to the given transform. This is all arguments passed to the transform when it was last applied/queued. Takes a transform function as taken by :meth:`transform`. If it has not been applied/queued yet, the return value is ``None`` (builtin transformations are always applied). """ try: return self._queued_transforms[transform_fn][0] except KeyError: try: return self._transforms[transform_fn][0] except KeyError: return None
def _sfc_before_transform (self, transform_fn): """Get queued/applied previous surface (size) for a transform function. Loops backwards until the transform in question is not an unapplied builtin. Transform may be an index in transforms. Returns (sfc, is_size), or (None, None) if the transform doesn't exist. """ t_ks = self.transforms if isinstance(transform_fn, int): i = transform_fn if i < 0 or i >= len(self.transforms): return (None, None) else: try: i = self.transforms.index(transform_fn) except ValueError: return (None, None) q = self._queued_transforms ts = self._transforms while True: if i == 0: # first transform return (self._orig_sfc, False) else: # use previous transform's final surface i -= 1 fn = t_ks[i] if fn in q: if isinstance(fn, basestring): return (q[fn][1], True) # else doesn't store size: continue elif fn in ts: return (ts[fn][1], False) # else continue
[docs] def sfc_before_transform (self, transform_fn): """Return the value of :attr:`surface` before the given transform. Takes a transform function as taken by :meth:`transform`, or an index in :attr:`transforms`. If it has not been applied/queued yet, the return value is ``None`` (builtin transformations are always applied). Calling this causes all queued transformations to be applied. """ self.render() # now queue is empty, so is_size will be False sfc, is_size = self._sfc_before_transform(transform_fn) assert not is_size return sfc
[docs] def sz_before_transform (self, transform_fn): """Return the value of :attr:`size` before the given transform. Takes a transform function as taken by :meth:`transform`. If it has not been applied/queued yet, the return value is ``None`` (builtin transformations are always applied). Unlike :meth:`sfc_before_transform`, calling this does not apply queued transformations. """ sz, is_size = self._sfc_before_transform(transform_fn) if sz is not None and not is_size: sz = sz.get_size() return sz
def _undo_transforms (self, transform_fn, include=True): """Undo modifiers up to the given transform. transform_fn may be an index in transforms. include: whether to undo for the given transform. """ t_ks = self.transforms q = self._queued_transforms ts = self._transforms if isinstance(transform_fn, int): i = transform_fn else: i = t_ks.index(transform_fn) if not include: i += 1 for fn in reversed(t_ks[i:]): if isinstance(fn, basestring): if fn in q: q[fn][4](self) elif fn in ts: ts[fn][4](self) # else non-applied builtin # else non-builtin: nothing to undo def _apply_transforms (self, transform_fn, regen, include=True): """Apply modifiers from the given transforms. transform_fn may be an index in transforms. regen: whether to force regeneration of transform modifiers. include: whether to apply for the given transform. """ t_ks = self.transforms q = self._queued_transforms ts = self._transforms if isinstance(transform_fn, int): i = transform_fn else: i = t_ks.index(transform_fn) if not include: i += 1 src_sz = self.sz_before_transform(i) for fn in t_ks[i:]: if isinstance(fn, basestring): if fn in q: pool = q elif fn in ts: pool = ts else: # non-applied builtin continue args, src, dest, apply_fn, undo_fn = pool[fn] if regen: gen_mods = getattr(self, '_gen_mods_' + fn) mods, dest_sz = gen_mods(src_sz, False, args, *args) if mods is not None: apply_fn, undo_fn = mods elif pool == q: dest_sz = dest else: dest_sz = dest.get_size() apply_fn(self) # update in transform store if pool == q: src = src_sz dest = dest_sz pool[fn] = (args, src, dest, apply_fn, undo_fn) src_sz = dest_sz # else non-builtin: nothing to apply
[docs] def transform (self, transform_fn, *args, **kwargs): """Apply a transformation to the graphic. transform(transform_fn, *args[, position][, before][, after]) -> self :arg transform_fn: a function to apply a transform, or a string for a builtin transform such as ``'resize'`` (see class documentation). :arg args: passed to the transformation function as positional arguments, after compulsory arguments. :arg position: the index in :attr:`transforms` to insert this transform at. If not given, the transform is appended to the end if new (not in transforms already), else left where it is. :arg before: if ``position`` is not given, this gives the transform function (as in :attr:`transforms`) to insert this transform before. If ``before`` is not in :attr:`transforms`, the transform is put at the end. :arg after: if ``position`` and ``before`` are not given, insert after this transform function, or at the end if it doesn't exist. Builtin transforms should not be moved after rotation (``'rotate'``); behaviour in this case is undefined. Calls ``transform_fn(src, dest, dirty, last_args, *args)`` to apply the transformation, where: - ``src`` is the surface before this transformation was last applied (or the current surface if it never has been). - ``dest`` is the surface last produced by this transformation, or ``None`` if the transform is new. - ``last_args`` is the ``args`` passed to this method when this transformation was last applied, as a tuple (or ``None`` if it never has been). - ``args`` is as passed to this method. - ``dirty`` defines what has changed in ``src`` since the last time this transform was applied---``True`` if the whole surface has changed, or a list of rects, or ``False`` if nothing has changed. This allows for partial transformations by altering ``dest``, if given. ``transform_fn`` should return ``(sfc, dirty)``, where: - ``sfc`` is the resulting pygame Surface. - ``dirty`` is a corresponding definition of changed areas in the resulting surface - everything that changed since 'last time', which is the result after the last time the transform was performed, or the result before the transform is performed, if it hasn't been performed before. ``src`` should never be altered, but may be returned as ``sfc`` if the transform does nothing. Possible modes of operation are: - full transform: return ``(new_sfc, True)``. - partial transform: return ``(dest, new_dirty)`` (``new_dirty`` might also be ``False`` here). - do nothing: return ``(src, dirty)``. If creating and returning a new surface, it should already be converted for blitting. """ old_final_size = self._rect.size # add to/reorder transforms list, and queue for transforming later t_ks = self.transforms q = self._queued_transforms ts = self._transforms exists = True try: last_index = t_ks.index(transform_fn) except ValueError: exists = False else: if transform_fn in q: data = q[transform_fn] elif transform_fn in ts: data = ts[transform_fn] else: exists = False if exists: old_data = self.untransform(transform_fn) if old_data is not None: ts[transform_fn] = old_data if transform_fn in t_ks: # has to be a builtin: untransform won't remove it t_ks.pop(last_index) # determine index i = kwargs.get('position') if i is None: fn = kwargs.get('before') if fn is not None: try: i = t_ks.index(fn) except ValueError: pass else: fn = kwargs.get('after') try: i = t_ks.index(fn) + 1 except ValueError: pass if i is None: i = last_index if last_index is not None else len(t_ks) # generate modifiers builtin = isinstance(transform_fn, basestring) if builtin: src_sz = self.sz_before_transform(i) gen_mods = getattr(self, '_gen_mods_' + transform_fn) mods, dest_sz = gen_mods(src_sz, not exists, data[0] if exists else None, *args) if mods is None: # retrieve from queue/transforms apply_fn = data[3] undo_fn = data[4] else: apply_fn, undo_fn = mods else: src_sz = dest_sz = apply_fn = undo_fn = None # add the transform q[transform_fn] = (args, src_sz, dest_sz, apply_fn, undo_fn) if i == len(t_ks): t_ks.append(transform_fn) if builtin: # apply modifier apply_fn(self) else: if builtin: # undo modifiers up to insertion point self._undo_transforms(i) t_ks.insert(i, transform_fn) if builtin: # apply modifier, then reapply following modifiers apply_fn(self) self._apply_transforms(i, src_sz != dest_sz, False) final_size = self._rect.size if final_size != old_final_size: self._call_cbs('resize', old_final_size, final_size) return self
[docs] def retransform (self, transform_fn): """Reapply the given transformation (if already applied). retransform(transform_fn) -> self :arg transform_fn: a transformation function as taken by :meth:`transform`. """ t_ks = self.transforms ts = self._transforms q = self._queued_transforms if transform_fn in ts: if isinstance(transform_fn, basestring): # no need to handle mods if not builtin, since then _gen_mods # args don't change for any builtins self._undo_transforms(transform_fn) args, src, dest, apply_fn, undo_fn = ts[transform_fn] # queue for full retransform if isinstance(transform_fn, basestring): q[transform_fn] = (args, src.get_size(), dest.get_size(), apply_fn, undo_fn) else: q[transform_fn] = (args, None, None, None, None) self._apply_transforms(transform_fn, src.get_size() != dest.get_size()) # remove last_args to force retransform del ts[transform_fn] # else nothing to do return self
[docs] def untransform (self, transform_fn): """Remove an applied transformation. untransform(transform_fn) -> self :arg transform_fn: a transformation function as taken by :meth:`transform`. """ t_ks = self.transforms ts = self._transforms q = self._queued_transforms if transform_fn not in ts and transform_fn not in q: return if isinstance(transform_fn, basestring): # don't remove builtins from transforms list self._undo_transforms(transform_fn) if transform_fn in q: src_sz, dest_sz = q[transform_fn][1:3] else: src, dest = ts[transform_fn][1:3] src_sz = src.get_size() dest_sz = dest.get_size() self._apply_transforms(transform_fn, src_sz != dest_sz, False) else: # no need to handle mods if not builtin, since then _gen_mods args # don't change for any builtins t_ks.remove(transform_fn) # remove data if transform_fn in q: del q[transform_fn] return ts.pop(transform_fn, None)
[docs] def size_changed (self, size): """Tell the graphic that the original size has changed. :arg size: the new original size to use. 'Original' means before any transforms. This method is for use by subclasses, to call when :attr:`orig_sfc` will change, but will not be set until :meth:`render` is called to avoid unnecessary computations. The new position is determined by :attr:`anchor`. """ old_final_size = self._rect.size got_transforms = bool(self.transforms) if got_transforms: self._undo_transforms(0) # compute offset due to anchor old_size = self.size old_ox, old_oy = pos_in_rect(self.anchor, self._rect) new_ox, new_oy = pos_in_rect(self.anchor, size) x, y = self._rect.topleft self._rect = Rect((x + old_ox - new_ox, y + old_oy - new_oy), size) if got_transforms: self._apply_transforms(0, True) self._call_cbs('resize orig', old_size, size) final_size = self._rect.size if final_size != old_final_size: self._call_cbs('resize', old_final_size, final_size)
def _load_img (self, fn, force_load = False): # load image from disk/cache resources = self._resource_manager if resources is None: resources = conf.GAME.resources return resources.img(fn, pool = self._resource_pool, force_load = force_load)
[docs] def reload (self): """Reload from disk if possible. If successful, all transformations are reapplied afterwards, if any. """ if self.fn is not None: # this calls a setter self.orig_sfc = self._load_img(self.fn, True)
def _gen_mods_resize (self, src_sz, first_time, last_args, w, h, scale=False): # mods are size-dependent, so they always change ax, ay = pos_in_rect(self.anchor, ((0, 0), src_sz), True) ow, oh = src_sz if scale: w = ir(scale[0] * ow) h = ir(scale[1] * oh) else: if w is None: w = ow elif w is False: w = ir(ow * float(h) / oh) if h is None: h = oh elif h is False: h = ir(oh * float(w) / ow) scale = (float(w) / ow, float(h) / oh) ox = ir((1 - scale[0]) * ax) oy = ir((1 - scale[1]) * ay) def apply_fn (g): g._scale = scale x, y = g._rect.topleft g._rect = Rect(x + ox, y + oy, w, h) def undo_fn (g): g._scale = (1, 1) x, y = g._rect.topleft g._rect = Rect(x - ox, y - oy, ow, oh) return ((apply_fn, undo_fn), (w, h)) def _resize (self, src, dest, dirty, last_args, w, h, scale=False): start_w, start_h = src.get_size() def parse_args (w, h, scale): if scale: w = ir(scale[0] * start_w) h = ir(scale[1] * start_h) else: if w is None: w = start_w elif w is False: w = ir(start_w * float(h) / start_h) if h is None: h = start_h elif h is False: h = ir(start_h * float(w) / start_w) return (w, h) w, h = parse_args(w, h, scale) new_dirty = True if dirty is not True and last_args is not None: if (w, h) == parse_args(*last_args): # same as last time if dirty: # transform dirty rects scale = (float(w) / start_w, float(h) / start_h) new_dirty = [] for r in dirty: new_dirty.append(Rect(*( ir(x * scale[i % 2]) for i, x in enumerate(r) )).inflate(2, 2)) # but do full transform else: return (dest, False) if w == start_w and h == start_h: # transform does nothing return (src, new_dirty if last_args is None else True) # full transform return (self.scale_fn(src, (w, h)), new_dirty)
[docs] def resize (self, w=None, h=None, scale=False): """Resize the graphic. resize([w][, h]) -> self :arg w: the new width. :arg h: the new height. No scaling occurs in omitted dimensions. Also see :attr:`anchor`. """ return self.transform('resize', w, h, scale)
[docs] def rescale (self, w=1, h=1): """A convenience wrapper around :meth:`resize` to scale by a ratio. rescale(w=1, h=1) -> self :arg w: the new width; ratio of the width before scaling. :arg h: the new height; ratio of the height before scaling. """ return self.resize(None, None, (w, h))
[docs] def resize_both (self, w=False, h=False): """Resize with constant aspect ratio. resize_both(w=False, h=False) -> self :arg w: the new width; pass only one of ``w`` and ``h``. :arg h: the new height. """ if (w is False) + (h is False) != 1: raise TypeError('expected exactly one of w or h') return self.resize(w, h)
[docs] def rescale_both (self, scale=1): """A convenience wrapper around :meth:`rescale` to scale the same on both axes. rescale_both(scale=1) -> self :arg scale: ratio to scale both width and height by. """ return self.rescale(scale, scale)
def _gen_mods_crop (self, src_sz, first_time, last_args, rect): rect = Rect(rect) if first_time or Rect(last_args[0]) != rect: def apply_fn (g): g._rect = g._rect.move(rect.x, rect.y) g._cropped_rect = rect def undo_fn (g): g._rect = g._rect.move(-rect.x, -rect.y) g._cropped_rect = None mods = (apply_fn, undo_fn) else: mods = None return (mods, rect.size) def _crop (self, src, dest, dirty, last_args, rect): start = src.get_rect() rect = Rect(rect) if dirty is not True and last_args is not None: if Rect(last_args[0]) == rect: # same size as last time if dirty: # clip dirty rects inside cropped rect; if there's a # border, it remains empty as before, so isn't dirtied new_dirty = [] offset = (-rect.x, -rect.y) for r in dirty: r = r.clip(rect) if r: s = r.move(offset) new_dirty.append(s) dest.blit(src, s, r) return (dest, new_dirty) else: return (dest, False) if start == rect: # no cropping occurs return (src, dirty if last_args is None else True) # do a full transform if start.contains(rect) and not has_alpha(src): new_sfc = pg.Surface(rect.size) else: # not (no longer) opaque new_sfc = blank_sfc(rect.size) new_sfc.blit(src, ((0, 0), rect.size), rect) return (new_sfc, True)
[docs] def crop (self, rect): """Crop the surface to the given rect. crop(rect) -> self ``rect`` need not be contained in the current surface rect. """ return self.transform('crop', Rect(rect))
def _gen_mods_flip (self, src_sz, first_time, last_args, x=False, y=False): if first_time or last_args != (x, y): def apply_fn (g): g._flipped = (x, y) def undo_fn (g): g._flipped = (False, False) mods = (apply_fn, undo_fn) else: mods = None return (mods, src_sz) def _flip (self, src, dest, dirty, last_args, x=False, y=False): if dirty is not True and last_args is not None and last_args == (x, y): if dirty: # check if a partial transform would be quicker w, h = src.get_rect().size alpha = has_alpha(src) k = 5 if alpha else 3.5 if k * sum(r[2] * r[3] for r in dirty) ** .75 < w * h ** .75: # it would (this is all empirical and quite rough) new_dirty = [] flip = pg.transform.flip for r in dirty: # copy this rect to a new surface sfc = pg.Surface(r.size) if alpha: sfc = sfc.convert_alpha() sfc.blit(src, (0, 0), r) # transform the rect r = Rect((w - r.x - r.w if x else r.x, h - r.y - r.h if y else r.y), r.size) new_dirty.append(r) # flip and blit to destination dest.blit(flip(sfc, x, y), r) return (dest, new_dirty) else: return (dest, False) if not x and not y: # transform does nothing return (src, dirty if last_args is None else True) # do a full transform new_sfc = pg.transform.flip(src, x, y) return (new_sfc, True)
[docs] def flip (self, x = False, y = False): """Flip the graphic over either axis. flip(x = False, y = False) -> self :arg x: whether to flip over the x-axis. :arg y: whether to flip over the y-axis. """ return self.transform('flip', bool(x), bool(y))
def _gen_mods_tint (self, src_sz, first_time, last_args, colour): colour = normalise_colour(colour) if first_time or normalise_colour(last_args[0]) != colour: def apply_fn (g): g._tint_colour = colour def undo_fn (g): g._tint_colour = (255, 255, 255, 255) mods = (apply_fn, undo_fn) else: mods = None return (mods, src_sz) def _tint (self, src, dest, dirty, last_args, colour): colour = normalise_colour(colour) if (dirty is False and last_args is not None and normalise_colour(last_args[0]) == colour): return (dest, False) if colour == (255, 255, 255, 255): # transform does nothing return (src, dirty if last_args is None else True) # full transform if not has_alpha(src): src = src.convert_alpha() new_sfc = pg.Surface(src.get_size()).convert_alpha() new_sfc.fill(colour) if colour[3] > 0: new_sfc.blit(src, (0, 0), special_flags=pg.BLEND_RGBA_MULT) return (new_sfc, True)
[docs] def tint (self, colour): """Set tint colour, as taken by :func:`engine.util.normalise_colour`. tint(colour) -> self This doesn't actually add any colour; it just alters the amount of colour in each channel. """ return self.transform('tint', colour)
[docs] def opacify (self, opacity): """Set opacity, from ``0`` (transparent) to ``255``. opacify(opacity) -> self (Sorry about the name---``fade`` would be nice, but conflicts with :meth:`GraphicsManager.fade() <engine.gfx.container.GraphicsManager.fade>`.) """ return self.transform('tint', self._tint_colour[:3] + (opacity,))
def _gen_mods_rotate (self, src_sz, first_time, last_args, angle): # - dest_sz will never get used: all following transforms are # guaranteed to be non-builtins, if the user does nothing silly # - mods are size-dependent, so they always change # - computation of rot_offset happens at draw time, since it's only # needed then, and only internally def apply_fn (g): g._angle = angle g._must_apply_rot = True def undo_fn (g): g._angle = 0 g._rot_offset = (0, 0) g._must_apply_rot = False return ((apply_fn, undo_fn), src_sz) def _rotate (self, src, dest, dirty, last_args, angle): if not dirty and last_args is not None: # if last_angle == angle, then surface size didn't change, so # neither did the centre point if abs(angle - last_args[0]) < self.rotate_threshold: # no change to result return (dest, False) if abs(angle) < self.rotate_threshold: # transform does nothing return (src, dirty if last_args is None else True) # do a full transform # if not already alpha and we might end up with borders, convert to # alpha if angle % (pi / 2) != 0 and not has_alpha(src): src = src.convert_alpha() new_sfc = self.rotate_fn(src, angle) return (new_sfc, True)
[docs] def rotate (self, angle): """Rotate the graphic. rotate(angle) -> self :arg angle: the angle in radians to rotate to, anti-clockwise from the original graphic. Also see :attr:`rot_anchor`. """ return self.transform('rotate', angle)
# drawing def _opaque_in (self, rect): """Whether this draws opaque pixels in the whole of the given rect.""" return self.opaque and self._postrot_rect.contains(rect)
[docs] def snapshot (self, copy = True): """Return a copy of this graphic. The copy is shallow, which means the new graphic will not transform as this one does, but will be an exact copy of the *current state*. :arg copy: whether to copy the final surface of this graphic/initial surface of the returned graphic. Since under some circumstances, this graphic can modify its final surface, this is often necessary. However, if you do not plan to modify this graphic further and will not alter the inital surface (:attr:`orig_sfc`) of the returned graphic, you maybe safely pass ``False`` for reduced CPU and memory usage. """ self.render() sfc = self._surface.copy() if copy else self._surface g = Graphic(sfc, self._postrot_rect.topleft, self._layer, self.blit_flags) for attr in ('visible', 'scale_fn', 'rotate_fn', 'rotate_threshold', 'anchor', 'rot_anchor'): setattr(g, attr, getattr(self, attr)) return g
[docs] def view (self): """Return a 'view' to this graphic. This is a wrapper around the graphic that allows assigning a different position and visibility (:attr:`visible`, :attr:`layer`, etc.) without affecting the original graphic (or any other wrappers). It is a subclass of this graphic's class. Changes to the image represented by either the wrapper or the original graphic affect both instances. This includes both transformations and changes to the original surface. This may not be used on subclasses that define a ``child`` property. """ parent_cls = type(self) class GraphicView (parent_cls): is_view = True _faked_attrs = ( '_rect', 'last_rect', '_postrot_rect', '_last_postrot_rect', 'visible', 'was_visible', '_layer', # Owned 'max_owners', '_on_full', '_owners' ) def __init__ (self, graphic): #: The ``graphic`` argument taken by the constructor. while graphic.is_view: graphic = graphic.child self.child = graphic for attr in self._faked_attrs: setattr(self, attr, getattr(graphic, attr)) Owned.__init__(self, 1) def __getattr__ (self, attr): # existing attributes are returned without a call here return getattr(self.child, attr) def __setattr__ (self, attr, val): # set on this instance if this is an outer attribute or a # property, else set on the contained graphic if (attr == 'child' or attr in self._faked_attrs or hasattr(type(self.child), attr)): parent_cls.__setattr__(self, attr, val) else: setattr(self.child, attr, val) return GraphicView(self)
[docs] def dirty (self, *rects): """Mark some or all of the graphic as changed. This is to be used when you alter the original surface (:attr:`orig_sfc`)---do not alter any other (transformed) surfaces. Takes any number of rects to flag as dirty. If none are given, the whole of the graphic is flagged. """ dirty = [Rect(r) for r in rects] if rects else True self._orig_dirty = combine_drawn(self._orig_dirty, dirty) self._call_cbs('draw orig')
[docs] def render (self): """Update the final surface. This propagates changes from queued transformations and changes to the original surface. """ t_ks = self.transforms last_t_ks = self._last_transforms q = self._queued_transforms ts = self._transforms self._queued_transforms = {} # work out where to start (re)applying transforms from dirty = self._orig_dirty self._orig_dirty = False if dirty: i = 0 elif q: i = min(t_ks.index(fn) for fn in q) i = min(i, *(last_t_ks.index(fn) for fn in q if fn in last_t_ks)) else: i = len(t_ks) # apply transforms orig_final_sfc = self._surface before_rot = sfc = self._orig_sfc passed_rot = False for j, fn in enumerate(t_ks): if fn != last_t_ks[j]: # differ from last transform order at this point dirty = True i = j if not dirty and fn not in q and fn in ts: # nothing is different at this point # grab surface to start next transform at sfc = ts[fn][2] if not passed_rot: if fn == 'rotate': passed_rot = True else: before_rot = sfc if j < i: continue if fn in ts: # done this transform before last_args, src, dest, apply_fn, undo_fn = ts[fn] else: last_args = dest = None if fn in q: # got new args args, src_sz, dest_sz, apply_fn, undo_fn = q[fn] elif last_args is not None: # transform with same args args = last_args else: # does nothing continue f = getattr(self, '_' + fn) if isinstance(fn, basestring) else fn new_sfc, dirty = f(sfc, dest, dirty, last_args, *args) if dirty or dest is None: # transformed for the first time or something changed in # retransforming # have modifier functions following code above ts[fn] = (args, sfc, new_sfc, apply_fn, undo_fn) sfc = new_sfc if not passed_rot: if fn == 'rotate': passed_rot = True else: before_rot = sfc if len(last_t_ks) > len(t_ks): # might have just removed transforms from the end dirty = True self._last_transforms = list(t_ks) if self._must_apply_rot: self._must_apply_rot = False # compute draw offset due to rotation angle = ts['rotate'][0][0] w_orig, h_orig = before_rot.get_size() w, h = sfc.get_size() ax, ay = pos_in_rect(self.rot_anchor, (w_orig, h_orig)) # v = c - about vx = w_orig / 2. - ax vy = h_orig / 2. - ay # c_new - about_new = v.rotate(angle) s = sin(angle) c = cos(angle) ax_new = w / 2. - (c * vx + s * vy) ay_new = h / 2. - (-s * vx + c * vy) # about = offset + about_new self._rot_offset = (ir(ax - ax_new), ir(ay - ay_new)) if dirty: self._dirty = combine_drawn(self._dirty, dirty) # change current surface and rect self._surface = sfc self.opaque = not has_alpha(sfc) self._rect = r = Rect(self._rect.topleft, before_rot.get_size()) self._postrot_rect = pr = r.move(self._rot_offset) pr.size = sfc.get_size() if sfc != orig_final_sfc: self._call_cbs('change', orig_final_sfc, sfc) else: self._call_cbs('draw')
def _pre_draw (self): """Called by :class:`GraphicsManager <engine.gfx.container.GraphicsManager>` before drawing.""" self.render() dirty = self._dirty if self._rect != self.last_rect: dirty = True self._postrot_rect = Rect( self._rect.move(self._rot_offset).topleft, self._postrot_rect.size ) if self.blit_flags != self._last_blit_flags: dirty = True self._last_blit_flags = self.blit_flags # fastdraw needs dirty to be a list if dirty: pr = self._postrot_rect if dirty is True: dirty = [self._last_postrot_rect, pr] else: # translate dirty rects pr = pr.topleft dirty = [d_r.move(pr) for d_r in dirty] else: dirty = [] self._dirty = dirty def _draw (self, dest, rects): """Draw the graphic. _draw(dest, rects) dest: pygame.Surface to draw to. rects: list of rects to draw in. Should never alter any state that is not internal to the graphic. """ sfc = self._surface blit = dest.blit pr = self._postrot_rect offset = (-pr[0], -pr[1]) for r in rects: blit(sfc, r, r.move(offset), self.blit_flags) self._last_postrot_rect = pr self.last_rect = self._rect
[docs] def cb (self, cb, *evts): """Register a callback for a number of events. cb(cb, *evts) -> self :arg cb: callback function; it is called with the event name followed by event-specific arguments. If this callback was already registered, the previous set of events specified is overridden. :arg evts: event names to register the callback for; if none are given, it is called for all event types. Event types: draw The content of :attr:`surface` changed without the surface itself changing. Arguments: surface. draw orig The content of :attr:`orig_sfc` changed without the surface itself changing. Arguments: surface. change :attr:`surface` changed to a different surface. Arguments: old surface, new surface. change orig :attr:`orig_sfc` changed to a different surface. Arguments: old surface, new surface. resize :attr:`surface` changed to a different surface with a different size. Arguments: old size, new size (both ``(width, height)``). resize orig :attr:`orig_sfc` changed to a different surface with a different size. Arguments: old size, new size (both ``(width, height)``). """ self.rm_cbs(cb) self._cbs[cb] = evts if evts else None if not evts: evts = (None,) all_evts = self._evts for evt in evts: all_evts.setdefault(evt, set()).add(cb) return self
[docs] def rm_cbs (self, *cbs): """Remove any number of callbacks registered with events. rm_cbs(*cbs) -> self Missing items are ignored. """ all_cbs = self._cbs all_evts = self._evts for cb in cbs: if cb in all_cbs: evts = all_cbs[cb] del all_cbs[cb] if evts is None: evts = (evts,) for evt in evts: all_evts[evt].remove(cb) if not all_evts[evt]: del all_evts[evt] return self
def _call_cbs (self, evt, *args): """Call callbacks registered for the given event.""" for cb in self._evts.get(evt, set()).union( self._evts.get(None, set()) ): cb(evt, *args)