"""Specialised types of graphics.
- Animation: rework to use Graphic callbacks
- Tilemap:
- should change if given Graphics change (tile_types), like Animation
- graphic.own(tilemap)
- use Graphic callbacks
- should provide tile setters/getters
- .update_from from_disk=True should call Graphic.reload() on graphics
- only prerender tiles as requested
- tiled graphic
- graphic form is like Tilemap's tile_graphic
- takes multiple rects to cover all of them with edges matching up
- particle system
- *Grid take (tiled graphic)/(args thereto) instead of just colour for bg
from os.path import splitext
import pygame as pg
from pygame import Rect
from ..conf import conf
from ..text import option_defaults as text_option_defaults
from .. import util as gameutil
from .graphic import Graphic
[docs]class Colour (Graphic):
"""A solid rect of colour.
Colour(colour, rect, layer=0)
:arg colour: a colour to draw, as accepted by
:arg rect: Pygame-style rect to draw in, or just a ``(width, height)`` size to
use a rect with position ``(0, 0)``.
:arg layer: as taken by :class:`Graphic <engine.gfx.graphic.Graphic>`.
:meth:`fill` corresponds to a builtin transform.
_i = Graphic._builtin_transforms.index('crop')
_builtin_transforms = Graphic._builtin_transforms[:_i] + ('fill',) + \
def __init__ (self, colour, rect, layer=0):
if len(rect) == 2 and isinstance(rect[0], (int, float)):
# just got size
rect = ((0, 0), rect)
rect = Rect(rect)
# converts surface and sets opaque to True
Graphic.__init__(self, pg.Surface(rect.size), rect.topleft, layer)
self._colour = (0, 0, 0, 255)
def colour (self):
"""As taken by constructor; set as necessary."""
return self._colour
def colour (self, colour):
def _gen_mods_fill (self, src_sz, first_time, last_args, colour):
colour = gameutil.normalise_colour(colour)
if first_time or gameutil.normalise_colour(last_args[0]) != colour:
def apply_fn (g):
g._colour = colour
def undo_fn (g):
g._colour = (0, 0, 0, 255)
mods = (apply_fn, undo_fn)
mods = None
return (mods, src_sz)
def _fill (self, src, dest, dirty, last_args, colour):
colour = gameutil.normalise_colour(colour)
if colour == (0, 0, 0, 255):
return (src, dirty)
if dest is not None and src.get_size() == dest.get_size():
# we can reuse dest
last_colour = gameutil.normalise_colour(last_args[0])
if colour[3] < 255 and not gameutil.has_alpha(dest):
# newly transparent
dest = dest.convert_alpha()
if dirty is True or last_colour != colour:
# need to refill everything
return (dest, True)
elif dirty:
# same colour, some areas changed
for r in dirty:
dest.fill(colour, r)
return (dest, dirty)
# same as last time
return (dest, False)
# create new surface and fill
new_sfc = pg.Surface(src.get_size())
if colour[3] < 255:
# non-opaque: need to convert to alpha
new_sfc = new_sfc.convert_alpha()
new_sfc = new_sfc.convert()
return (new_sfc, True)
[docs] def fill (self, colour):
"""Fill with the given colour (like :attr:`colour`)."""
self.transform('fill', colour)
self._colour = colour
return self
[docs]class Text (Graphic):
"""Graphic displaying rendered text.
Text(text, renderer, pos=(0, 0), options={}, layer=0)
:arg text: text to render; may contain line breaks to display separate lines.
:arg renderer: :class:`text.TextRenderer <engine.text.TextRenderer>` instance
or the name a renderer is stored under in
:attr:`Game.text_renderers <engine.game.Game.text_renderers>`.
:arg pos: as taken by :class:`Graphic <engine.gfx.graphic.Graphic>`.
:arg options: rendering options to override defaults, as taken by
:meth:`TextRenderer.render() <engine.text.TextRenderer.render>`.
All options can be get and set as properties of this instance,
and all are guaranteed to exist, even if not given in this
:arg layer: as taken by :class:`Graphic <engine.gfx.graphic.Graphic>`.
def __init__ (self, text, renderer, pos=(0, 0), options={}, layer=0):
self._last_text = self._text = text
self._renderer = None
self.renderer = renderer # retrieves from game
self._last_renderer = self._renderer
self._options = dict(options)
# want to always be normalised for better testing for changes
self._last_options = self._options.copy()
sfc, lines = self._render_text()
#: Number of lines of text rendered.
self.nlines = lines
Graphic.__init__(self, sfc, pos, layer)
def _update_rect (self):
# set size from current text/renderer/options
size = self._renderer.get_info(self._text, self._options)[2]
if size != self.orig_sfc.get_size():
# repositions based on anchor
def text (self):
"""Text to render (as taken by constructor)."""
return self._text
def text (self, text):
if text != self._text:
self._text = text
def renderer (self):
""":class:`text.TextRenderer <engine.text.TextRenderer>` instance to
return self._renderer
def renderer (self, renderer):
if isinstance(renderer, basestring):
renderer = conf.GAME.text_renderers[renderer]
old_renderer = self._renderer
self._renderer = renderer
# None if calling from constructor
if old_renderer is not None and renderer != old_renderer:
def __getattr__ (self, attr):
if attr in text_option_defaults:
if attr in self._options:
return self._options[attr]
return getattr(self._renderer, attr) # guaranteed to exist
return object.__getattribute__(self, attr)
def __setattr__ (self, attr, val):
if attr in text_option_defaults:
opts = {attr: val}
# make sure all stored options are normalised
val = opts[attr]
if val != self._options.get(attr):
self._options[attr] = val
object.__setattr__(self, attr, val)
def _render_text (self):
# actually render text, and return the result
return self._renderer.render(self._text, self._options)
def render (self):
changed = False
if self._last_text != self._text:
changed = True
self._last_text = self._text
if self._last_renderer != self._renderer:
changed = True
self._last_renderer = self._renderer
if self._last_options != self._options:
changed = True
self._last_options = self._options.copy()
if changed:
self.orig_sfc, self.nlines = self._render_text()
# handles any earlier change to self.rect
[docs]class Animation (Graphic):
"""An animated graphic.
Animation(imgs, pos=(0, 0), layer=0[, scheduler],
pool=conf.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_POOL, res_mgr=conf.GAME.resources)
:arg imgs:
a sequence of images as part of the animation; each can be a Pygame
surface, a filename to load an surface from, or a
:class:`Graphic <engine.gfx.graphic.Graphic>` instance (in which case it is
removed from any
:class:`GraphicsManager <engine.gfx.container.GraphicsManager>` it is in).
Note that a :class:`util.Spritemap <engine.gfx.util.Spritemap>` instance is
a valid form for this argument.
:arg scheduler: :class:`sched.Scheduler <engine.sched.Scheduler>` instance to
use for timing; if not given, animations can only be played
when the graphic is contained by a
:class:`GraphicsManager <engine.gfx.container.GraphicsManager>`
(and trying to do so otherwise raises ``RuntimeError``).
Other arguments are as taken by :class:`Graphic <engine.gfx.graphic.Graphic>`.
Note that when an animation is playing and the image changes,
:attr:`Graphic.anchor <engine.gfx.graphic.Graphic.anchor>` is respected.
For example, to play the frames in a spritemap consisting of a single row::
Animation(Spritemap('map.png', 4)).add('run', frame_time=.1).play('run')
def __init__ (self, imgs, pos=(0, 0), layer=0, scheduler=None,
pool=conf.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_POOL, res_mgr=None):
self._resource_pool = pool
self._resource_manager = res_mgr
if len(imgs) == 0:
raise ValueError('animation requires at least one image')
load_img = self._load_img
gs = []
#: ``list`` of ``imgs`` as passed to the constructor, except that they
#: are never filenames.
self.graphics = gs
for img in imgs:
if isinstance(img, basestring):
img = load_img(img)
elif isinstance(img, Graphic):
# graphics is non-empty due to the exception above
self._graphic = 0
Graphic.__init__(self, self._get_sfc(0), pos, layer, pool, res_mgr)
#: ``{name: (indices, frame_time)}`` frame sequences ('animations') as
#: added through :meth:`add`.
self.sequences = {}
self._frame_time = None
self._speed = 1
#: The ``scheduler`` argument passed to the constructor.
self.scheduler = scheduler
#: The currently playing sequence (name), or ``None``.
self.playing = None
#: ``list`` of queued sequences to play after the current sequence has
#: finished, each ``(name, repeat, frame_time, cb)`` as added through
#: :meth:`queue`, starting with the first to be played. Items may be
#: removed manually.
self.queued = []
#: The current repeat of the playing sequence, starting from ``0`` if
#: it hasn't started repeating yet, or ``None``.
self.repeat = None
#: The total number of repeats that will be performed for the currently
#: playing sequence (not including the first playthrough), or ``True``
#: if it will play forever, or ``None``.
self.repeats = None
#: The current frame in the currently playing sequence (within the
#: current repeat), as an integer starting from ``0``, or ``None``.
self.frame = None
self._timer_id = None # scheduler timeout ID
self._frame_time_source = None # 'default', 'sequence' or 'runtime'
self._playing_frame_time = None # set when we start playing
self._new_frame_time = None # set to flag a frame time change
self._playing_cb = None
def graphic (self):
"""The currently visible graphic, as an index in :attr:`graphics`."""
return self._graphic
def graphic (self, i):
i = int(i)
if i == self._graphic:
self.orig_sfc = self._get_sfc(i)
self._graphic = i
def frame_time (self):
"""A default for the time between animation frames.
This is a value in seconds, that applies for all animation sequences. If not
set, a value must be defined for each sequence. Changes do not take effect
until the current frame has finished, if any is running.
return self._frame_time
def frame_time (self, t):
self._frame_time = t
if self._frame_time_source == 'default':
def speed (self):
"""Running speed of any animation.
This is a multiplier, where ``1`` is the default speed, and anything higher
decreases frame times. Changes do not take effect until the current frame has
finished, if any.
return self._speed
def speed (self, speed):
if speed <= 0:
raise ValueError('speed must be positive')
if speed != self._speed:
self._speed = speed
def _get_sfc (self, i):
# get the surface corresponding to the given index in self.graphics
sfc = self.graphics[i]
if isinstance(sfc, Graphic):
sfc = sfc.surface
return sfc
def _get_sched (self):
s = self.scheduler
if s is None:
owner = self.owner
if owner is None:
raise RuntimeError('no scheduler is available')
s = owner.scheduler
return s
def _update_timer (self):
# update timer speed from data
if self.playing is None:
# nothing to do
if self._frame_time_source == 'default':
t = self._frame_time
# don't change if from sequence/runtime
t = self._playing_frame_time
# schedule for application next time we get a callback
self._new_frame_time = float(t) / self._speed
[docs] def add (self, name, *indices, **kwargs):
"""Add a sequence to :attr:`sequences` to play back later.
add(name, *indices[, frame_time]) -> self
:arg name: the name to give the sequence (any hashable object). If a sequence
with this name already exists, it is overwritten; if it is currently
playing or queued, it is stopped/unqueued.
:arg indices: any number of indices in :attr:`graphics`, defining the sequence
of frames, or pass none for all frames in order.
:arg frame_time: a default for the time between animation frames in seconds
whenever this sequence is played. If not given, a value must
be defined either through the constructor or each time the
sequence is played.
if not indices:
indices = range(len(self.graphics))
if not indices:
raise ValueError('a sequence must contain at least one frame')
if name == self.playing:
self.sequences[name] = (indices, kwargs.get('frame_time'))
return self
[docs] def add_multi (self, sequences):
"""Add a number of frame sequences.
add_multi(sequences) -> self
:arg sequences: ``{name: data}``, where ``data`` can be an ``indices`` ``list``
or ``(indices[, frame_time])``, and each of these is as taken
by :meth:`add`.
add = self.add
for name, data in sequences.iteritems():
if (data and (hasattr(data[0], '__len__') and
hasattr(data[0], '__getitem__'))):
# got (indices, ...)
if len(data) == 1:
indices = data[0]
frame_time = None
elif len(data) == 2:
indices, frame_time = data
raise TypeError('invalid arguments: {0}'.format(data))
# got indices
indices = data
frame_time = None
self.add(name, *indices, frame_time=frame_time)
return self
[docs] def rm (self, *names):
"""Remove sequences with the given names.
rm(*names) -> self
Missing items are ignored.
seqs = self.sequences
for name in names:
if name in seqs:
del seqs[name]
return self
def _next_frame (self):
# called through scheduler to move to the next frame
assert self.playing is not None
indices = self.sequences[self.playing][0]
self.frame += 1
if self.frame == len(indices):
# reached the end of the sequence
if self.repeats is not True and self.repeat == self.repeats:
# no repeats left
self.playing = self.repeat = self.repeats = self.frame = None
# no need to reset other attributes, since they're private
if self._playing_cb is not None:
if self.playing is None and self.queued:
return False
self.repeat += 1
self.frame = 0
self.graphic = indices[self.frame]
if self._new_frame_time is not None:
# adjust speed for next frame
self._timer_id = self._get_sched().add_timeout(
self._next_frame, self._new_frame_time
self._new_frame_time = None
return False
return True
[docs] def play (self, name, repeat=True, frame_time=None, cb=None):
"""Play a frame sequence.
play(name, repeat=True[, frame_time][, cb]) -> self
:arg name: sequence name to play.
:arg repeat: whether to repeat the sequence once it has finished. ``True`` to
repeat forever, else a number of repeats to perform (that is, the
sequence is played ``(repeats + 1)`` times). (``False`` is also
:arg frame_time: the time between animation frames in seconds. If not given, a
value must be defined either as through the constructor or
in :meth:`add`.
:arg cb: a function to call when the animation ends (but not if it is stopped
through :meth:`stop` or by starting another animation).
If a sequence is already being played, that sequence is canceled.
# cancel current sequence
s = self._get_sched()
if self.playing is not None:
# initialise attributes
self.playing = name
self.repeat = 0
if repeat is False:
repeat = 0
self.repeats = repeat
self.frame = 0
indices, seq_t = self.sequences[name]
# show first frame now (sequences are guaranteed to have non-0 length)
self.graphic = indices[0]
if frame_time is None:
if seq_t is None:
if self._frame_time is None:
raise RuntimeError('no frame_time is defined (sequence: '
frame_time = self._frame_time
self._frame_time_source = 'default'
frame_time = seq_t
self._frame_time_source = 'sequence'
self._frame_time_source = 'runtime'
frame_time = float(frame_time) / self._speed
# start the scheduler
self._timer_id = s.add_timeout(self._next_frame, frame_time)
self._playing_frame_time = frame_time
self._playing_cb = cb
return self
[docs] def pause (self):
"""Pause the currently running sequence, if any.
pause() -> self
if self.playing is not None:
return self
[docs] def unpause (self):
"""Unpause the currently running sequence, if paused.
unpause() -> self
if self.playing is not None:
return self
[docs] def stop (self, n_queued=0):
"""Stop the currently running sequence, if any.
stop(n_queued) -> self
:arg n_queued: the number of subsequent queued sequences to cancel after
stopping the running sequence.
if self.playing:
self.playing = self.repeat = self.repeats = self.frame = None
# no need to reset other attributes, since they're private
for i in xrange(n_queued):
if self.queued:
return self
[docs] def queue (self, name, repeat=True, frame_time=None, cb=None):
"""Queue a frame sequence for playing after any running sequence.
queue(name, repeat=True[, frame_time][, cb]) -> self
Arguments are as taken by :meth:`play`.
if self.playing:
self.queued.append((name, repeat, frame_time, cb))
self.play(name, repeat, frame_time, cb)
return self
[docs] def queue_multi (self, *sequences):
"""Queue multiple frame sequences.
queue_multi(*sequences) -> self
:arg sequences: any number of ``(name, repeat=True[, frame_time][, cb])``
tuples, where arguments are as taken by :meth:`play`.
queue = self.queue
for args in sequences:
return self
[docs] def unqueue (self, *names):
"""Remove frame sequences from the queue by name.
unqueue(*names) -> self
:arg names: any number of sequence names; missing items are ignored.
queued = self.queued
for name in names:
# iterate in reverse to avoid changing indices as we remove items
for i, data in reversed(list(enumerate(queued))):
if data[0] == name:
return self
def render (self):
# set orig_dirty where the graphic is dirty, if a graphic
g = self.graphics[self.graphic]
if isinstance(g, Graphic):
sfc = g.surface
# after render() and before _pre_draw(), ._dirty is relative to
# top-left = (0, 0)
if g._dirty:
orig_sfc = self._orig_sfc
if sfc is orig_sfc:
# same, so need to flag dirty areas
if g._dirty is True:
self._orig_dirty = True
# different, so change out the surface
self.orig_sfc = sfc
g._dirty = []
[docs]class Tilemap (Graphic):
"""A finite, flat grid of tiles.
Tilemap(grid, tile_data[, tile_types], pos=(0, 0), layer=0[, translate_type],
cache_graphic=False, pool=conf.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_POOL,
:arg grid: a :class:`util.grid.Grid <engine.util.grid.Grid>` defining the size
and shape of the tiles in the tilemap, or the ``tile_size`` argument
to :class:`util.grid.Grid <engine.util.grid.Grid>` to create a new
one with standard parameters.
:arg tile_data: a way of determining the tile type ID for each ``(x, y)`` tile
in the grid, which is any object. This can be:
- a list of columns, where each column is a list of IDs;
- a string with rows delimited by line breaks and each row a
whitespace-delimited set of string IDs;
- ``(s, col_delim, row_delim)`` to specify custom delimiter characters
for a string ``s``, where either or both delimiters can be ``None``
to split by whitespace/line breaks;
- a filename from which to load a string with delimited IDs (the name
may not contain whitespace);
- ``(filename, col_delim, row_delim)`` for a custom-delimited string in
a file;
- a :class:`Graphic <engine.gfx.graphic.Graphic>`, Pygame surface or
filename (may not contain whitespace) to load an image from, and use
the ``(r, g, b[, a])`` colour tuples of the pixels in the surface as
- if ``grid`` is a :class:`util.grid.Grid <engine.util.grid.Grid>`: a
function that takes ``col`` and ``row`` arguments as column and row
indices in the grid, and returns the corresponding tile type ID; or
- if ``grid`` is not a :class:`util.grid.Grid <engine.util.grid.Grid>`:
``(get_tile_type, w, h)``, where get_tile_type is a function as
defined previously, and ``w`` and ``h`` are the width and height of
the grid, in tiles.
:arg tile_types: a ``tile_type_id -> tile_graphic`` mapping---either a function
or an object that supports indexing. If not given, the identity function
is used. ``tile_type_id`` is the tile type ID obtained from the
``tile_data`` argument. ``tile_graphic`` determines how the tile should be
drawn; it may be:
- ``None`` for an an empty (transparent) tile;
- a colour (as taken by :func:`engine.util.normalise_colour`) to fill
- a :class:`Graphic <engine.gfx.graphic.Graphic>`, Pygame surface or
filename to load from, to copy aligned to the centre of the tile,
clipped to fit; or
- ``(graphic, alignment=0, rect=graphic_rect)`` with ``alignment`` or
``rect`` in any order or omitted, and ``graphic`` as in the above
form. ``alignment`` is as taken by :func:`engine.util.align_rect`,
and ``rect`` is the Pygame-style rect within the source surface of
``graphic`` to copy from. Regardless of ``alignment``, ``rect`` is
clipped to fit in the tile around its centre.
Note that a :class:`util.Spritemap <engine.gfx.util.Spritemap>` is a valid
form for this argument.
:arg pos,layer: as taken by :class:`Graphic <engine.gfx.graphic.Graphic>`.
:arg translate_type: a function that takes tile type IDs obtained from the
``tile_data`` argument and returns the ID to use with the
``tile_types`` argument in obtaining ``tile_graphic``;
does nothing by default.
:arg cache_graphic: whether to cache and reuse ``tile_graphic`` for each tile
type. You might want to pass ``True`` if requesting
``tile_graphic`` from ``tile_types`` generates a surface.
If ``True``, tile type IDs must be hashable (after
translation by ``translate_type``).
:arg pool,res_mgr: as taken by :class:`Graphic <engine.gfx.graphic.Graphic>`.
This is meant to be used for static tilemaps---that is, where the appearance of
each tile type never changes.
def __init__ (self, grid, tile_data, tile_types=None, pos=(0, 0), layer=0,
translate_type=None, cache_graphic=False,
pool=conf.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_POOL, res_mgr=None):
if tile_types is None:
tile_types = lambda g: g
elif not callable(tile_types):
types = tile_types
tile_types = lambda tile_type_id: types[tile_type_id]
self._type_to_graphic = tile_types
if translate_type is None:
translate_type = lambda tile_type_id: tile_type_id
self._translate_type = translate_type
self._cache_graphic = cache_graphic
self._cache = {}
# set these before _parse_data, since it calls _load_img which uses
# them - but can't init Graphic yet because we don't know the size
self._resource_pool = pool
self._resource_manager = res_mgr
self._tile_data, ncols, nrows = self._parse_data(tile_data, grid,
if not isinstance(grid, gameutil.grid.Grid):
grid = gameutil.grid.Grid((ncols, nrows), grid)
#: The :class:`util.grid.Grid <engine.util.grid.Grid>` covered.
self.grid = grid
# apply initial data
Graphic.__init__(self, gameutil.blank_sfc(grid.size), pos, layer, pool,
update = self._update
tile_data = self._tile_data
for col, row, tile_rect in grid.tile_rects(True):
update(col, row, tile_data[col][row], tile_rect)
def _parse_data (self, tile_data, grid, force_load):
# parse tile data
if not tile_data:
return ([], 0, 0)
if isinstance(tile_data, basestring):
if (len(tile_data.split()) == 1 and
splitext(tile_data)[1][1:].lower() in
('png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif')):
# image file
tile_data = self._load_img(tile_data, force_load=force_load)
# string/text file
tile_data = (tile_data, None, None)
if isinstance(tile_data, Graphic):
tile_data = tile_data.surface
if isinstance(tile_data, pg.Surface):
tile_data = [[tuple(c) for c in col]
for col in pg.surfarray.array3d(tile_data)]
if isinstance(tile_data[0], basestring):
s, col, row = tile_data
if len(s.split()) == 1:
with open(s) as f:
s = f.read(s)
if row is None:
s = s.splitlines()
s = s.split(row)
if col is None:
tile_data = [l.split() for l in s]
tile_data = [l.split(col) for l in s]
# list of rows -> list of columns
tile_data = zip(*tile_data)
if callable(tile_data):
if not isinstance(grid, gameutil.grid.Grid):
raise ValueError('got function for tile_data, but grid is ' \
'not a Grid instance')
tile_data = (tile_data, grid.ncols, grid.nrows)
if callable(tile_data[0]):
f, ncols, nrows = tile_data
tile_data = []
for i in xrange(ncols):
col = []
for j in xrange(nrows):
col.append(f(i, j))
# now tile_data is a list of columns
ncols = len(tile_data)
nrows = len(tile_data[0])
if (isinstance(grid, gameutil.grid.Grid) and
grid.ntiles != (ncols, nrows)):
msg = 'tile_data has invalid dimensions: got {0}, expected {1}'
raise ValueError(msg.format((ncols, nrows), grid.ntiles))
translate_type = self._translate_type
tile_data = [[translate_type(tile_type_id) for tile_type_id in col]
for col in tile_data]
return (tile_data, ncols, nrows)
def _update (self, col, row, tile_type_id, tile_rect=None):
if self._cache_graphic:
if tile_type_id in self._cache:
g = self._cache[tile_type_id]
g = self._type_to_graphic(tile_type_id)
self._cache[tile_type_id] = g
g = self._type_to_graphic(tile_type_id)
dest = self._orig_sfc
if tile_rect is None:
tile_rect = self.grid.tile_rect(col, row)
if isinstance(g, (Graphic, pg.Surface, basestring)):
g = (g,)
if (g is not None and
isinstance(g[0], (Graphic, pg.Surface, basestring))):
sfc = g[0]
if isinstance(sfc, basestring):
sfc = self._load_img(sfc)
elif isinstance(sfc, Graphic):
sfc = sfc.surface
if len(g) == 1:
alignment = rect = None
if isinstance(g[1], int) or len(g[1]) == 2:
alignment = g[1]
rect = None
alignment = None
rect = g[1]
if len(g) == 3:
if rect is None:
rect = g[2]
alignment = g[2]
if alignment is None:
alignment = 0
if rect is None:
rect = sfc.get_rect()
# clip rect to fit in tile_rect
dest_rect = Rect(rect)
dest_rect.center = tile_rect.center
fit = dest_rect.clip(tile_rect)
rect = Rect(rect)
rect.move_ip(fit.x - dest_rect.x, fit.y - dest_rect.y)
rect.size = dest_rect.size
# copy rect to tile_rect with alignment
pos = gameutil.align_rect(rect, tile_rect, alignment)
dest.blit(sfc, pos, rect)
if g is None:
g = (0, 0, 0, 0)
# now we have a colour
dest.fill(gameutil.normalise_colour(g), tile_rect)
return tile_rect
def __getitem__ (self, i):
col, row = i
return self._tile_data[col][row]
def __setitem__ (self, i, tile_type_id):
col, row = i
tile_type_id = self._translate_type(tile_type_id)
if tile_type_id != self._tile_data[col][row]:
rect = self._update(col, row, tile_type_id)
self._tile_data[col][row] = tile_type_id
[docs] def update_from (self, tile_data, from_disk=False):
"""Update tiles from a new set of data.
:arg tile_data: as taken by the constructor.
:arg from_disk: whether to force reloading from disk, if passing an image
tile_data = self._parse_data(tile_data, self.grid, from_disk)[0]
for i, col in enumerate(tile_data):
for j, tile_type_id in enumerate(col):
self[(i, j)] = tile_type_id
[docs]class Grid (Graphic):
"""Drawable wrapper for :class:`util.grid.Grid <engine.util.grid.Grid>`.
Grid(grid, gap_colour='aaa', bg_colour='0000', pos=(0, 0), layer=0)
:arg grid: a :class:`util.grid.Grid <engine.util.grid.Grid>` instance.
:arg gap_colour: colour in-between tiles, as accepted by
:func:`engine.util.normalise_colour`; may have alpha.
:arg bg_colour: colour within tiles, as accepted by
:arg pos,layer: as taken by :class:`Graphic <engine.gfx.graphic.Graphic>`.
def __init__ (self, grid, gap_colour='aaa', bg_colour='0000', pos=(0, 0),
gap_colour = gameutil.normalise_colour(gap_colour)
bg_colour = gameutil.normalise_colour(bg_colour)
sfc = pg.Surface(grid.size)
sfc = (sfc.convert_alpha() if gap_colour[3] < 255 or bg_colour[3] < 255
else sfc.convert())
# fill with gaps and add in tiles
if bg_colour != gap_colour:
for rect in grid.tile_rects():
sfc.fill(bg_colour, rect)
Graphic.__init__(self, sfc, pos, layer)
[docs]class InfiniteGrid (Graphic):
"""Drawable wrapper for
:class:`util.grid.InfiniteGrid <engine.util.grid.InfiniteGrid>`.
InfiniteGrid(grid, rect, gap_colour='aaa', bg_colour='0000', pos=(0, 0),
:arg grid: a :class:`util.grid.InfiniteGrid<engine.util.grid.InfiniteGrid>`
:arg rect: Pygame-style rect within ``grid`` to draw.
:arg gap_colour: colour in-between tiles, as accepted by
:func:`engine.util.normalise_colour`; may have alpha.
:arg bg_colour: colour within tiles, as accepted by
:arg pos,layer: as taken by :class:`Graphic <engine.gfx.graphic.Graphic>`.
def __init__ (self, grid, rect, gap_colour='aaa', bg_colour='0000',
pos=(0, 0), layer=0):
#: As passed to the constructor.
self.grid = grid
self._view_rect = self._gap_colour = self._bg_colour = None
rect = Rect(rect)
Graphic.__init__(self, pg.Surface(rect.size), pos, layer)
self.gap_colour = gap_colour
self.bg_colour = bg_colour
self.view_rect = rect
def _get_alpha (self):
# determine whether orig_sfc will have any alpha
return self._gap_colour[3] < 255 or self._bg_colour[3] < 255
def _fix_alpha (self, sfc):
# convert given surface (to be orig_sfc) to alpha if necessary
if self._get_alpha() and not gameutil.has_alpha(sfc):
sfc = sfc.convert_alpha()
return sfc
def _draw_tiles (self, sfc):
# draw tiles on the given surface
ir = gameutil.ir
c = self._bg_colour
if c != self._gap_colour:
offset = (-self._view_rect.x, -self._view_rect.y)
for r in self.grid.tile_rects(self._view_rect):
sfc.fill(c, Rect([ir(x) for x in r]).move(offset))
def _render_grid (self):
# draw grid to a surface and set as orig_sfc
size = self._view_rect.size
if size != self._orig_sfc.get_size():
sfc = pg.Surface(size)
if self._get_alpha():
sfc = sfc.convert_alpha()
sfc = self._fix_alpha(self._orig_sfc)
# draw grid to surface
self.orig_sfc = sfc
def view_rect (self):
"""As the ``rect`` argument taken by the constructor.
:attr:`Graphic.anchor <engine.gfx.graphic.Graphic.anchor>` is respected when
this is changed.
return self._view_rect
def view_rect (self, rect):
rect = Rect(rect)
if rect != self._view_rect:
self._view_rect = rect
def gap_colour (self):
"""As passed to the constructor."""
return self._gap_colour
def gap_colour (self, colour):
colour = gameutil.normalise_colour(colour)
old_colour = self._gap_colour
if colour != old_colour:
self._gap_colour = colour
if old_colour is not None:
# else we're still in the constructor
def bg_colour (self):
"""As passed to the constructor."""
return self._bg_colour
def bg_colour (self, colour):
colour = gameutil.normalise_colour(colour)
old_colour = self._bg_colour
if colour != old_colour:
self._bg_colour = colour
if old_colour is not None:
# no need to re-render: just re-fill tiles
# else we're still in the constructor