"""Utilities for graphics."""
import pygame as pg
from ..conf import conf
from .. import util
[docs]class Spritemap (object):
"""A wrapper for spritesheets.
Spritemap(img[, ncols][, nrows][, sw][, sh], pad=0[, nsprites],
pool=conf.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_POOL, res_mgr=conf.GAME.resources)
:arg img: a surface or filename to load from; this is a grid of sprites with
the same size.
:arg ncols,sw: determines the the number of columns in the spritesheet;
``ncols`` is the number of columns and ``sw`` is the width of
individual sprites, in pixels. Only one is required, and both
may be omitted if the spritesheet is a single column.
:arg nrows,sh: determines the the number of rows in the spritesheet; ``nrows``
is the number of rows and ``sh`` is the height of individual
sprites. Only one is required, and both may be omitted if the
spritesheet is a single row.
:arg pad: padding in pixels between each sprite. This may be
``(col_gap, row_gap)``, or a single number for the same gap in both
:arg nsprites: the number of sprites in the spritesheet. If omitted, this is
taken to be the maximum number of sprites that could fit on the
spritesheet; if passed, and smaller than the maximum, the last
sprites are ignored (see below for ordering).
:arg pool: :class:`ResourceManager <engine.res.ResourceManager>` resource pool
name to cache any loaded images in.
:arg res_mgr: :class:`ResourceManager <engine.res.ResourceManager>` instance to
use to load any images.
A spritemap provides ``__len__`` and ``__getitem__`` to obtain sprites, and so
iterating over all sprites is also supported. Sprites are obtained from top to
bottom, left to right, in that order, and slices are as follows::
spritemap[sprite_index] -> sfc
spritemap[col, row] -> sfc
where ``sfc`` is a surface containing the sprite. (The latter form is an
implicit ``tuple``, so ``spritemap[(col, row)]`` works as well.)
def __init__ (self, img, ncols=None, nrows=None, sw=None, sh=None, pad=0,
nsprites=None, pool=conf.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_POOL,
if isinstance(img, basestring):
if res_mgr is None:
res_mgr = conf.GAME.resources
img = res_mgr.img(img, pool=pool)
img_sz = img.get_size()
if isinstance(pad, int):
pad = (pad, pad)
if pad[0] < 0 or pad[1] < 0:
raise ValueError('padding must be positive')
# get number of columns and rows and sprite size
ncells = [ncols, nrows]
ss = [sw, sh]
for axis in (0, 1):
n = ncells[axis]
s_sz = ss[axis]
i_sz = img_sz[axis]
p = pad[axis]
if n is not None:
if (i_sz + p) % n != 0:
raise ValueError(
'invalid image size (dimension {0}): expected '
'({1}n-{2}), got {3}'.format(axis, n, p, i_sz)
ss[axis] = (i_sz + p) // n - p
elif s_sz is not None:
if (i_sz + p) % (s_sz + p) != 0:
raise ValueError(
'invalid image size (dimension {0}): expected '
'({1}n-{2}), got {3}'.format(axis, s_sz + p, p, i_sz)
ncells[axis] = (i_sz + p) // (s_sz + p)
ncells[axis] = 1
ss[axis] = i_sz
self._ncells = ncells
ncols, nrows = ncells
ncells = ncols * nrows
if nsprites is None or nsprites > ncells:
nsprites = ncells
#: The width of each sprite, in pixels.
self.sprite_w = ss[0]
#: The height of each sprite, in pixels.
self.sprite_h = ss[1]
#: ``(``:attr:`sprite_w` ``,`` :attr:`sprite_h` ``)``.
self.sprite_size = tuple(ss)
# copy to separate surfaces
self._sfcs = sfcs = []
tile_rect = util.grid.Grid(ncells, ss, pad).tile_rect
mk_sfc = util.blank_sfc if util.has_alpha(img) else pg.Surface
for i in xrange(nsprites):
rect = tile_rect(i % ncols, i // ncols)
sfc = mk_sfc(rect.size)
sfc.blit(img, (0, 0), rect)
def __len__ (self):
return len(self._sfcs)
def __getitem__ (self, i):
ncols, nrows = self._ncells
if not isinstance(i, int):
col, row = i
if col < 0:
col += ncols
if row < 0:
row += nrows
if (col < 0 or col >= ncols or row < 0 or row >= nrows):
raise IndexError('spritemap index out of bounds')
i = row * ncols + col
return self._sfcs[i]