Source code for engine.text

"""Multi-line text rendering."""

import pygame as pg

from .conf import conf
from .util import normalise_colour

#: Default values for text rendering options.  Value::
#:  {
#:      'colour': '000',
#:      'shadow': None,
#:      'width': None,
#:      'just': 0,
#:      'minimise': False,
#:      'line_spacing': 0,
#:      'aa': True,
#:      'bg': None,
#:      'pad': (0, 0, 0, 0),
#:      'wrap': 'char'
#:  }
# be sure to update res._mk_text_keys if these change
option_defaults = {
    'text_size': 12,
    'colour': '000',
    'shadow': None,
    'width': None,
    'just': 0,
    'minimise': False,
    'line_spacing': 0,
    'aa': True,
    'bg': (0, 0, 0, 0),
    'pad': (0, 0, 0, 0),
    'wrap': 'char'

[docs]class TextRenderer (object): """Render text to a surface. TextRenderer(font, options={}, pool=conf.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_POOL, res_mgr=conf.GAME.resources) :arg font: font filename to use, under :data:`conf.FONT_DIR`. :arg options: dict giving rendering parameters. These act as default values in the same argument to :meth:`render`. All options can be retrieved as properties of this instance (and all are guaranteed to exist), but cannot be changed. :arg pool: :class:`ResourceManager <engine.res.ResourceManager>` resource pool name to cache any loaded Pygame fonts in. :arg res_mgr: :class:`ResourceManager <engine.res.ResourceManager>` instance to use to load any Pygame fonts. """ def __init__ (self, font, options={}, pool=conf.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_POOL, res_mgr=None): self._font = font self._defaults = option_defaults.copy() self._defaults.update(options) self.normalise_options(self._defaults) self._resource_pool = pool self._resource_manager = res_mgr def __eq__ (self, other): # equal if we would render the exact same thing if isinstance(other, TextRenderer): return (self._font == other._font and self._defaults == other._defaults) else: return False def __getattr__ (self, attr): if attr in option_defaults: return self._defaults.get(attr, option_defaults[attr]) else: return object.__getattribute__(self, attr) def _get_font (self, opts): # load the font required for the given (normalised) options if self._resource_manager is None: resources = conf.GAME.resources else: resources = self._resource_manager return resources.font(self._font, opts['text_size'], pool=self._resource_pool)
[docs] def render (self, text, options={}, **kwargs): """Render text to a surface. render(text, options={}, **kwargs) -> (surface, num_lines) :arg text: text to render; may contain line breaks to display separate lines. :arg options: dict giving rendering parameters; those omitted default to the value given in the ``options`` argument to the constructor, and then the values in :data:`option_defaults`. :arg kwargs: options can also be passed as keyword arguments, with the option's name as the argument's name. If an option is given both in ``options`` and as a keyword argument, the keyword argument takes precedence. Options available: :arg text_size: text size, in points. :arg colour: text colour, as taken by :func:`util.normalise_colour <engine.util.normalise_colour>`. Alpha seems to be unsupported by Pygame. :arg shadow: to draw a drop-shadow: ``(colour, offset)`` tuple, where ``offset`` is ``(x, y)``. :arg width: maximum width of returned surface (also see ``wrap``). This excludes padding (``pad``). :arg just: if the text has multiple lines, justify: ``0`` = left, ``1`` = centre, ``2`` = right. :arg minimise: if width is set, treat it as a minimum instead of absolute width (that is, shrink the surface after, if possible). :arg line_spacing: space between lines, in pixels. :arg aa: whether to anti-alias the text. :arg bg: background colour. :arg pad: ``(left, top, right, bottom)`` padding in pixels. Can also be one number for all sides or ``(left_and_right, top_and_bottom)``. This treats shadow as part of the text. :arg wrap: text wrapping mode (only used if ``width`` is given); one of: - ``'char'`` (default): wrap words and wrap within words if necessary. - ``'word'``: wrap words only; raises ``ValueError`` if any words won't fit on a single line. - ``'none'``: don't wrap: if ``width`` is given, allow text to fall off the end of the surface. :return: ``surface`` is the ``pygame.Surface`` containing the rendered text and ``num_lines`` is the final number of lines of text. """ opts = self.mk_options(options, **kwargs) self.normalise_options(opts) font = self._get_font(opts) colour = normalise_colour(opts['colour']) if opts['shadow'] is None: shadow_colour = None offset = (0, 0) else: shadow_colour, offset = opts['shadow'] just = opts['just'] minimise = opts['minimise'] if opts['width'] is None: minimise = True line_spacing = opts['line_spacing'] aa = opts['aa'] bg = opts['bg'] pad = opts['pad'] lines, text_size, sfc_size = self.get_info(text, opts) width = text_size[0] opaque = len(bg) == 3 or bg[3] == 255 # simple case: just one line and want to minimise width and no shadow # or padding and bg is opaque (Pygame seems not to do alpha bg) if (len(lines) == 1 and minimise and pad == (0, 0, 0, 0) and shadow_colour is None and opaque): sfc = font.render(lines[0], True, colour, bg) return (sfc, 1) # else create surface to blit all the lines to sfc = pg.Surface(sfc_size) if not opaque: sfc = sfc.convert_alpha() sfc.fill(bg) # render and blit text line_height = font.get_height() todo = [] if shadow_colour is not None: todo.append((shadow_colour, offset)) todo.append((colour, (0, 0))) n_lines = 0 for colour, o in todo: o = (o[0] + pad[0], o[1] + pad[1]) h = 0 for line in lines: if line: n_lines += 1 s = font.render(line, aa, colour) if just == 2: sfc.blit(s, (width - s.get_width() + o[0], h + o[1])) elif just == 1: sfc.blit(s, ((width - s.get_width()) // 2 + o[0], h + o[1])) else: sfc.blit(s, (o[0], h + o[1])) h += line_height + line_spacing return (sfc, n_lines)
[docs] def get_info (self, text, options={}, **kwargs): """Get results for render arguments without actually rendering. get_info(text, options={}, **kwargs) -> (lines, text_size, sfc_size) Arguments are as taken by :meth:`render`. :return: - ``lines``: a list of string lines the text would be split into. - ``text_size``: the resulting ``(width, height)`` size of the text within the surface that would be returned, excluding any shadow. - ``sfc_size``: the resulting size of the surface. Like :meth:`render`, raises ``ValueError`` if wrapping fails. """ opts = self.mk_options(options, **kwargs) self.normalise_options(opts) font = self._get_font(opts) offset = (0, 0) if opts['shadow'] is None else opts['shadow'][1] width = opts['width'] wrap = opts['wrap'] pad = opts['pad'] # split into lines lines = text.splitlines() if width is not None: text = lines lines = [] for line in text: if wrap != 'none' and font.size(line)[0] > width: # wrap words = line.split(' ') # check if any words won't fit # can't use for as we'll change the list during iteration i = 0 while i < len(words): word = words[i] if font.size(word)[0] > width: if wrap == 'word': raise ValueError('\'{0}\' doesn\'t fit on one ' 'line'.format(word)) else: # wrap == 'char' for j in xrange(len(word) - 1, -1, -1): if font.size(word[:j])[0] <= width: break else: # can't be an empty string j = 1 words[i] = word[:j] remain = word[j:] if remain: words.insert(i + 1, remain) i += 1 # build line build = '' for word in words: temp = build + ' ' if build else build temp += word if font.size(temp)[0] < width: build = temp else: lines.append(build) build = word lines.append(build) else: lines.append(line) if width is None or opts['minimise']: width = max(font.size(line)[0] for line in lines) # compute sizes line_height = font.get_height() n = len(lines) height = max(n * line_height + (n - 1) * opts['line_spacing'], 0) sfc_size = (width + abs(offset[0]) + pad[0] + pad[2], height + abs(offset[1]) + pad[1] + pad[3]) return (lines, (width, height), sfc_size)
[docs] def mk_options (self, options={}, **kwargs): """Generate a full set of rendering options given an options dict. mk_options(options={}, **kwargs) -> new_options Arguments are as taken by :meth:`render`. :return: The completed dict of rendering options, with defaults filled in. """ opts = self._defaults.copy() opts.update(options, **kwargs) return opts
[docs] def normalise_options (self, options={}): """Normalise a (possibly incomplete) renderer options dict, in-place. Arguments are as taken by :meth:`render`. This involves making every option hashable and putting it in a standard format. """ o = options if 'text_size' in o: o['text_size'] = int(o['text_size']) if 'colour' in o: o['colour'] = normalise_colour(o['colour']) shadow = o.get('shadow') if shadow is not None: shadow = (normalise_colour(shadow[0]), tuple(shadow[1][:2])) o['shadow'] = shadow if o.get('width') is not None: o['width'] = int(o['width']) if 'just' in o: o['just'] = int(o['just']) if 'minimise' in o: o['minimise'] = bool(o['minimise']) if 'line_spacing' in o: o['line_spacing'] = int(o['line_spacing']) if 'aa' in o: o['aa'] = bool(o['aa']) if 'bg' in o: o['bg'] = normalise_colour(o['bg']) if 'pad' in o: pad = o['pad'] if isinstance(pad, int): pad = (pad, pad, pad, pad) elif len(pad) == 2: pad = tuple(pad) pad = pad + pad else: pad = tuple(pad) o['pad'] = pad if 'wrap' in o and o['wrap'] not in ('char', 'word', 'none'): raise ValueError('unknown wrap mode: \'{0}\''.format(o['wrap']))