import random
import pygame as pg
import engine
from engine import conf, evt, gfx, util
class Conf (object):
# the width and height of the image we're working with
IMG_SIZE = (500, 500)
# the number of tiles, horizontally and vertically
N_TILES = (5, 5)
# the size of each actual tile graphic
TILE_SIZE = (99, 99)
# the gap between tiles and around the edge of the screen
TILE_GAP = (1, 1)
class Puzzle (
def init (self):
# load image
img = self.resources.img('img.jpg')
# split up into tiles
imgs = []
alpha = util.has_alpha(img)
nx, ny = conf.N_TILES
gap_x, gap_y = conf.TILE_GAP
tile_w, tile_h = conf.TILE_SIZE
for i in xrange(nx):
for j in xrange(ny):
# create empty surface of the correct size and convert
sfc = pg.Surface(conf.TILE_SIZE)
if alpha:
sfc = sfc.convert_alpha()
sfc = sfc.convert()
# copy the correct portion from the source image
x = (tile_w + gap_x) * i
y = (tile_h + gap_y) * j
sfc.blit(img, (0, 0), (x, y, tile_w, tile_h))
# wrap with a graphic
imgs.append(((i, j), gfx.Graphic(sfc)))
# randomise tile positions and remove one
missing = random.randrange(nx * ny)
self.missing = [missing // ny, missing % ny]
imgs[missing] = (imgs[missing][0], None)
# create grid for positioning
grid = util.grid.Grid(conf.N_TILES, conf.TILE_SIZE, conf.TILE_GAP)
self.grid = grid
# position graphics
# and turn the tile list into a grid for easier access
self.tiles = tiles = []
for i in xrange(nx):
col = []
for j in xrange(ny):
orig_pos, graphic = imgs[i * ny + j]
col.append((orig_pos, graphic))
# get the tile's top-left corner from the grid
x, y = grid.tile_pos(i, j)
if graphic is not None:
# and move the graphic there
graphic.pos = (x + gap_x, y + gap_y)
# add to the graphics manager
# make sure to remove the missing tile
# a background to show up between the tiles and in the gap
# '111' is a CSS-style colour (dark grey)
# 1 is the layer, which is further back than the default 0
gfx.Colour('111',, 1),
*(graphic for orig_pos, graphic in imgs)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# add our settings to the main settings object
# set the window size
conf.RES_W = (conf.IMG_SIZE[0] + conf.TILE_GAP[0],
conf.IMG_SIZE[1] + conf.TILE_GAP[1])
# initialise the engine
# run with a Puzzle as the world
# now we're finished: quit the engine