Source code for engine.util

# coding=utf-8
"""A number of utility functions."""

from random import random, randrange
from collections import defaultdict
from bisect import bisect

import pygame as pg
from pygame import Rect

from . import cb, grid

# be sure to change util.rst
__all__ = ('dd', 'ir', 'sum_pos', 'pos_in_rect', 'normalise_colour',
           'call_in_nest', 'bezier', 'Singleton', 'OwnError', 'Owned',
           'randsgn', 'rand0', 'weighted_rand', 'align_rect', 'position_sfc',
           'convert_sfc', 'combine_drawn', 'blank_sfc')

# abstract

[docs]def dd (default, items = {}, **kwargs): """Create a ``collections.defaultdict`` with a static default. dd(default[, items], **kwargs) -> default_dict :arg default: the default value. :arg items: dict or dict-like to initialise with. :arg kwargs: extra items to initialise with. :return: the created ``defaultdict``. """ items = items.copy() items.update(kwargs) return defaultdict(lambda: default, items)
[docs]def ir (x): """Returns the argument rounded to the nearest integer. This is about twice as fast as int(round(x)). """ y = int(x) return (y + (x - y >= .5)) if x > 0 else (y - (y - x >= .5))
[docs]def sum_pos (*pos): """Sum all given ``(x, y)`` positions component-wise.""" sx = sy = 0 for x, y in pos: sx +=x sy +=y return (sx, sy)
[docs]def pos_in_rect (pos, rect, round_val=False): """Return the position relative to ``rect`` given by ``pos``. :arg pos: a position identifier. This can be: - ``(x, y)``, where each is either a number relative to ``rect``'s top-left, or the name of a property of ``pygame.Rect`` which returns a number. - a single number ``x`` that is the same as ``(x, x)``. - the name of a property of ``pygame.Rect`` which returns an ``(x, y)`` sequence of numbers. :arg rect: a Pygame-style rect, or just a ``(width, height)`` size to assume a rect with top-left ``(0, 0)``. :arg round_val: whether to round the resulting numbers to integers before returning. :return: the qualified position relative to ``rect``'s top-left, as ``(x, y)`` numbers. """ if len(rect) == 2 and isinstance(rect[0], (int, float)): # got a size rect = ((0, 0), rect) rect = Rect(rect) if isinstance(pos, basestring): x, y = getattr(rect, pos) x -= rect.left y -= elif isinstance(pos, (int, float)): x = y = pos else: x, y = pos if isinstance(x, basestring): x = getattr(rect, x) - rect.left if isinstance(y, basestring): y = getattr(rect, y) - return (ir(x), ir(y)) if round_val else (x, y)
[docs]def normalise_colour (c): """Turn a colour into ``(R, G, B, A)`` format with each number from ``0`` to ``255``. Accepts 3- or 4-item sequences (if 3, alpha is assumed to be ``255``), or an integer whose hexadecimal representation is ``0xrrggbbaa``, or a CSS-style colour in a string (``'#rgb'``, ``'#rrggbb'``, ``'#rgba'``, ``'#rrggbbaa'`` - or without the leading ``'#'``). """ if isinstance(c, int): a = c % 256 c >>= 8 b = c % 256 c >>= 8 g = c % 256 c >>= 8 r = c % 256 elif isinstance(c, basestring): if c[0] == '#': c = c[1:] if len(c) < 6: c = list(c) if len(c) == 3: c.append('f') c = [x + x for x in c] else: if len(c) == 6: c = [c[:2], c[2:4], c[4:], 'ff'] else: # len(c) == 8 c = [c[:2], c[2:4], c[4:6], c[6:]] for i in xrange(4): x = 0 for k, n in zip((16, 1), c[i]): n = ord(n) x += k * (n - (48 if n < 97 else 87)) c[i] = x r, g, b, a = c else: r, g, b = c[:3] a = 255 if len(c) < 4 else c[3] return (r, g, b, a)
[docs]def call_in_nest (f, *args): """Collapse a number of similar data structures into one. Used in ``interp_*`` functions. call_in_nest(f, *args) -> result :arg f: a function to call with elements of ``args``. :arg args: each argument is a data structure of nested lists with a similar format. :return: a new structure in the same format as the given arguments with each non-list object the result of calling ``f`` with the corresponding objects from each arg. For example:: >>> f = lambda n, c: str(n) + c >>> arg1 = [1, 2, 3, [4, 5], []] >>> arg2 = ['a', 'b', 'c', ['d', 'e'], []] >>> call_in_nest(f, arg1, arg2) ['1a', '2b', '3c', ['4d', '5e'], []] One argument may have a list where others do not. In this case, those that do not have the object in that place passed to ``f`` for each object in the (possibly further nested) list in the argument that does. For example:: >>> call_in_nest(f, [1, 2, [3, 4]], [1, 2, 3], 1) [f(1, 1, 1), f(2, 2, 1), [f(3, 3, 1), f(4, 3, 1)]] However, in arguments with lists, all lists must be the same length. """ # Rect is a sequence but isn't recognised as collections.Sequence, so test # this way is_list = [(hasattr(arg, '__len__') and hasattr(arg, '__getitem__') and not isinstance(arg, basestring)) for arg in args] if any(is_list): n = len(args[is_list.index(True)]) # listify non-list args (assume all lists are the same length) args = (arg if this_is_list else [arg] * n for this_is_list, arg in zip(is_list, args)) return [call_in_nest(f, *inner_args) for inner_args in zip(*args)] else: return f(*args)
# better for smaller numbers of points def _bezier_recursive (t, *pts): if len(pts) > 3: return ((1 - t) * _bezier_recursive(t, *pts[:-1]) + t * _bezier_recursive(t, *pts[1:])) elif len(pts) == 3: a, b, c = pts ti = 1 - t return ti * ti * a + 2 * t * ti * b + t * t * c elif len(pts) == 2: return (1 - t) * pts[0] + t * pts[1] else: return pts[0] # better for larger numbers of points def _bezier_flat (t, *pts): n_pts = n = len(pts) - 1 ti = 1 - t b = 0 choose = 1 # generate terms in pairs for i in xrange(n_pts // 2 + 1): b += choose * ti ** n * t ** i * pts[i] if i != n: # else this is the 'middle' term, which has no pair b += choose * ti ** i * t ** n * pts[n] choose = choose * n // (i + 1) n -= 1 return b
[docs]def bezier (t, *pts): """Compute a 1D Bézier curve point. :arg t: curve parameter. :arg pts: points defining the curve. """ if len(pts) >= 5: # empirical return _bezier_flat(t, *pts) elif pts: return _bezier_recursive(t, *pts) else: raise ValueError('expected at least one point')
[docs]class Singleton (object): """For easily making singleton objects (eg. as identitfiers). :arg name: string representation of the object. """ __slots__ = ('name',) def __init__ (self, name): #: String representation, as passed to the constructor. = name def __str__ (self): return __repr__ = __str__
[docs]class OwnError (RuntimeError): """Raised when taking ownership of an :class:`Owned <engine.util.Owned>` instance fails.""" pass
[docs]class Owned (object): """Manage 'owners' of an object. Owned([max_owners], on_full='throw') :arg max_owners: the maximum number of owners that this object can have (greater than zero). :arg on_full: behaviour when taking ownership is attempted but the limited specified by ``max_owners`` has been reached. One of: - ``'throw'``: raise an :class:`OwnError <engine.util.OwnError>` exception. - ``'ignore'``: don't add the owner. - ``'replace'``: remove another owner (choice of owner to remove is undefined). """ def __init__ (self, max_owners=None, on_full='throw'): #: As passed to the constructor. self.max_owners = max_owners if on_full not in ('throw', 'ignore', 'replace'): raise ValueError('unknown value for on_full: {}'.format(on_full)) self._on_full = on_full # {owner_id: release_cb} self._owners = {} @property def max_owners (self): """As passed to the constructor. Decreasing this value below the current number of owners does not cause owners to be removed. """ return self._max_owners @max_owners.setter def max_owners (self, max_owners): if max_owners is not None: max_owners = int(max_owners) if max_owners <= 0: raise ValueError('max_owners must be greater than zero') self._max_owners = max_owners @property def owners (self): """Set-like container of owner identifiers as passed to :meth:`own <engine.util.Owned.own>`.""" return self._owners.viewkeys() @property def owner (self): """Identifier for any single owner of this instance, or ``None``.""" try: owner = next(self._owners.iterkeys()) except StopIteration: owner = None return owner
[docs] def own (self, owner_id, release_cb=None): """Attempt to take ownership of this instance. own(owner_id[, release_cb]) -> success :arg owner_id: non-``None`` hashable identifier for the owner, used for later removal. :arg release_cb: optional function to call when this owner is removed (through :meth:`release <engine.util.Owned.release>`, or by being replaced by another owner if this instance allows it). This is called like ``release_cb(owned_instance, owner_id)``; if it is determined that the function cannot take any arguments, it is not given any. :return: whether the attempt succeeded. If not, :class:`OwnError <engine.util.OwnError>` may be raised instead, depending on the ``on_full`` argument passed to the constructor. """ if owner_id is None: raise ValueError('owner_id cannot be None') success = False owners = self._owners if release_cb is not None: release_cb = cb.wrap_fn(release_cb) if owner_id not in owners: max_owners = self.max_owners if max_owners is not None and len(owners) >= max_owners: # reached owner limit if self._on_full == 'throw': raise OwnError('{} already has the maximum number of ' 'owners ({})'.format(self, max_owners)) elif self._on_full == 'replace': # len(owners) >= max_owners > 0, so this is safe self.release(next(owners.iterkeys())) owners[owner_id] = release_cb success = True # else ignore: success = False else: owners[owner_id] = release_cb success = True return success
[docs] def release (self, owner_id): """Relinquish ownership of this instance. :arg owner_id: identifier passed to :meth:`own <engine.util.Owned.own>`. """ release_cb = self._owners.pop(owner_id, None) if release_cb is not None: release_cb(self, owner_id)
# random
[docs]def randsgn (): """Randomly return ``1`` or ``-1``.""" return 2 * randrange(2) - 1
[docs]def rand0 (): """Zero-centred random (``-1 <= x < 1``).""" return 2 * random() - 1
[docs]def weighted_rand (ws): """Return a weighted random choice. weighted_rand(ws) -> index :arg ws: weightings, either a list of numbers to weight by or a ``{key: weighting}`` dict for any keys. :return: the chosen index in the list or key in the dict. """ if isinstance(ws, dict): indices, ws = zip(*ws.iteritems()) else: indices = range(len(ws)) cumulative = [] last = 0 for w in ws: last += w cumulative.append(last) index = min(bisect(cumulative, cumulative[-1] * random()), len(ws) - 1) return indices[index]
# graphics
[docs]def align_rect (rect, within, alignment = 0, pad = 0, offset = 0): """Align a rect within another rect. align_rect(rect, within, alignment = 0, pad = 0, offset = 0) -> pos :arg rect: the Pygame-style rect to align. :arg within: the rect to align ``rect`` within. :arg alignment: ``(x, y)`` alignment; each is ``< 0`` for left-/top-aligned, ``0`` for centred, ``> 0`` for right-/bottom-aligned. Can be just one number to use on both axes. :arg pad: ``(x, y)`` padding to leave around the inner edge of ``within``. Can be negative to allow positioning outside of ``within``, and can be just one number to use on both axes. :arg offset: ``(x, y)`` amounts to offset by after all other positioning; can be just one number to use on both axes. :return: the position the top-left corner of the rect should be moved to for the wanted alignment. """ pos = alignment pos = [pos, pos] if isinstance(pos, (int, float)) else list(pos) if isinstance(pad, (int, float)): pad = (pad, pad) if isinstance(offset, (int, float)): offset = (offset, offset) rect = Rect(rect) sz = rect.size within = Rect(within) within = list(within.inflate(-2 * pad[0], -2 * pad[1])) for axis in (0, 1): align = pos[axis] if align < 0: x = 0 elif align == 0: x = (within[2 + axis] - sz[axis]) / 2. else: # align > 0 x = within[2 + axis] - sz[axis] pos[axis] = ir(within[axis] + x + offset[axis]) return pos
[docs]def position_sfc (sfc, dest, alignment = 0, pad = 0, offset = 0, rect = None, within = None, blit_flags = 0): """Blit a surface onto another with alignment. position_sfc(sfc, dest, alignment = 0, pad = 0, offset = 0, rect = sfc.get_rect(), within = dest.get_rect(), blit_flags = 0) ``alignment``, ``pad``, ``offset``, ``rect`` and ``within`` are as taken by :func:`align_rect <engine.util.align_rect>`. Only the portion of ``sfc`` within ``rect`` is copied. :arg sfc: source surface to copy. :arg dest: destination surface to blit to. :arg blit_flags: the ``special_flags`` argument taken by ``pygame.Surface.blit``. """ if rect is None: rect = sfc.get_rect() if within is None: within = dest.get_rect() dest.blit(sfc, align_rect(rect, within, alignment, pad, offset), rect, blit_flags)
def has_alpha (sfc): """Return if the given surface has transparency of any kind.""" return sfc.get_alpha() is not None or sfc.get_colorkey() is not None
[docs]def convert_sfc (sfc): """Convert a surface for blitting.""" return sfc.convert_alpha() if has_alpha(sfc) else sfc.convert()
[docs]def combine_drawn (*drawn): """Combine the given drawn flags. These are as returned by :meth:``. """ if True in drawn: return True rects = sum((list(d) for d in drawn if d), []) return rects if rects else False
[docs]def blank_sfc (size): """Create a transparent surface with the given ``(width, height)`` size.""" sfc = pg.Surface(size).convert_alpha() sfc.fill((0, 0, 0, 0)) return sfc