util—general utility functions


dd(default, [items, ]**kwargs) → default_dict[source]

Create a collections.defaultdict with a static default.

  • default – the default value.
  • items – dict or dict-like to initialise with.
  • kwargs – extra items to initialise with.

the created defaultdict.


Returns the argument rounded to the nearest integer.

This is about twice as fast as int(round(x)).


Sum all given (x, y) positions component-wise.

pos_in_rect(pos, rect, round_val=False)[source]

Return the position relative to rect given by pos.

  • pos

    a position identifier. This can be:

    • (x, y), where each is either a number relative to rect’s top-left, or the name of a property of pygame.Rect which returns a number.
    • a single number x that is the same as (x, x).
    • the name of a property of pygame.Rect which returns an (x, y) sequence of numbers.
  • rect – a Pygame-style rect, or just a (width, height) size to assume a rect with top-left (0, 0).
  • round_val – whether to round the resulting numbers to integers before returning.

the qualified position relative to rect’s top-left, as (x, y) numbers.


Turn a colour into (R, G, B, A) format with each number from 0 to 255.

Accepts 3- or 4-item sequences (if 3, alpha is assumed to be 255), or an integer whose hexadecimal representation is 0xrrggbbaa, or a CSS-style colour in a string ('#rgb', '#rrggbb', '#rgba', '#rrggbbaa' - or without the leading '#').

call_in_nest(f, *args) → result[source]

Collapse a number of similar data structures into one.

Used in interp_* functions.

  • f – a function to call with elements of args.
  • args – each argument is a data structure of nested lists with a similar format.

a new structure in the same format as the given arguments with each non-list object the result of calling f with the corresponding objects from each arg.

For example:

>>> f = lambda n, c: str(n) + c
>>> arg1 = [1, 2, 3, [4, 5], []]
>>> arg2 = ['a', 'b', 'c', ['d', 'e'], []]
>>> call_in_nest(f, arg1, arg2)
['1a', '2b', '3c', ['4d', '5e'], []]

One argument may have a list where others do not. In this case, those that do not have the object in that place passed to f for each object in the (possibly further nested) list in the argument that does. For example:

>>> call_in_nest(f, [1, 2, [3, 4]], [1, 2, 3], 1)
[f(1, 1, 1), f(2, 2, 1), [f(3, 3, 1),  f(4, 3, 1)]]

However, in arguments with lists, all lists must be the same length.

bezier(t, *pts)[source]

Compute a 1D Bézier curve point.

  • t – curve parameter.
  • pts – points defining the curve.
class Singleton(name)[source]

Bases: object

For easily making singleton objects (eg. as identitfiers).

Parameters:name – string representation of the object.

String representation, as passed to the constructor.

class OwnError[source]

Bases: exceptions.RuntimeError

Raised when taking ownership of an Owned instance fails.

class Owned([max_owners, ]on_full='throw')[source]

Bases: object

Manage ‘owners’ of an object.

  • max_owners – the maximum number of owners that this object can have (greater than zero).
  • on_full

    behaviour when taking ownership is attempted but the limited specified by max_owners has been reached. One of:

    • 'throw': raise an OwnError exception.
    • 'ignore': don’t add the owner.
    • 'replace': remove another owner (choice of owner to remove is undefined).

As passed to the constructor.


Set-like container of owner identifiers as passed to own.


Identifier for any single owner of this instance, or None.

own(owner_id[, release_cb]) → success[source]

Attempt to take ownership of this instance.

  • owner_id – non-None hashable identifier for the owner, used for later removal.
  • release_cb – optional function to call when this owner is removed (through release, or by being replaced by another owner if this instance allows it). This is called like release_cb(owned_instance, owner_id); if it is determined that the function cannot take any arguments, it is not given any.

whether the attempt succeeded. If not, OwnError may be raised instead, depending on the on_full argument passed to the constructor.


Relinquish ownership of this instance.

Parameters:owner_id – identifier passed to own.



Randomly return 1 or -1.


Zero-centred random (-1 <= x < 1).

weighted_rand(ws) → index[source]

Return a weighted random choice.

Parameters:ws – weightings, either a list of numbers to weight by or a {key: weighting} dict for any keys.
Returns:the chosen index in the list or key in the dict.


align_rect(rect, within, alignment = 0, pad = 0, offset = 0) → pos[source]

Align a rect within another rect.

  • rect – the Pygame-style rect to align.
  • within – the rect to align rect within.
  • alignment(x, y) alignment; each is < 0 for left-/top-aligned, 0 for centred, > 0 for right-/bottom-aligned. Can be just one number to use on both axes.
  • pad(x, y) padding to leave around the inner edge of within. Can be negative to allow positioning outside of within, and can be just one number to use on both axes.
  • offset(x, y) amounts to offset by after all other positioning; can be just one number to use on both axes.

the position the top-left corner of the rect should be moved to for the wanted alignment.

position_sfc(sfc, dest, alignment = 0, pad = 0, offset = 0, rect = sfc.get_rect(), within = dest.get_rect(), blit_flags = 0)[source]

Blit a surface onto another with alignment.

alignment, pad, offset, rect and within are as taken by align_rect. Only the portion of sfc within rect is copied.

  • sfc – source surface to copy.
  • dest – destination surface to blit to.
  • blit_flags – the special_flags argument taken by pygame.Surface.blit.

Convert a surface for blitting.


Combine the given drawn flags.

These are as returned by engine.game.World.draw().


Create a transparent surface with the given (width, height) size.