"""Abstract grid representations."""
from pygame import Rect
[docs]class Grid (object):
"""A representation of a 2D grid of rectangular integer-sized tiles.
Used for aligning mouse input, graphics, etc. on a grid.
Grid(ntiles, tile_size, gap = 0)
:arg ntiles: ``(x, y)`` number of tiles in the grid, or a single number for a
square grid.
:arg tile_size: ``(tile_width, tile_height)`` integers giving the size of every
tile, or a single number for square tiles. ``tile_width`` and
``tile_height`` can also be functions that take the column/row
index and return the width/height of that column/row
respectively, or lists (or anything supporting indexing) that
perform the same task.
:arg gap: ``(col_gap, row_gap)`` integers giving the gap between columns and
rows respectively, or a single number for the same gap in both cases.
As with ``tile_size``, this can be a tuple of functions (or lists)
which take the index of the preceding column/row and return the gap
``col`` and ``row`` arguments to all methods may be negative to wrap from the
end of the row/column, like list indices.
def __init__ (self, ntiles, tile_size, gap = 0):
if isinstance(ntiles, int):
ntiles = (ntiles, ntiles)
ntiles = tuple(ntiles[:2])
#: The ``(x, y)`` number of tiles in the grid.
self.ntiles = ntiles
def expand (obj, length):
# expand an int/list/function to the given length
if isinstance(obj, int):
return (obj,) * length
elif callable(obj):
return tuple(obj(i) for i in xrange(length))
return tuple(obj[:length])
if isinstance(tile_size, int) or callable(tile_size):
tx = ty = tile_size
tx, ty = tile_size
self._tile_size = (expand(tx, ntiles[0]), expand(ty, ntiles[1]))
if isinstance(gap, int) or callable(tile_size):
gx = gy = gap
gx, gy = gap
self._gap = (expand(gx, ntiles[0] - 1), expand(gy, ntiles[1] - 1))
def ncols (self):
"""The number of tiles in a row."""
return self.ntiles[0]
def nrows (self):
"""The number of tiles in a column."""
return self.ntiles[1]
def _size (self, axis):
return sum(self._tile_size[axis]) + sum(self._gap[axis])
def w (self):
"""The total width of the grid."""
return self._size(0)
def h (self):
"""The total height of the grid."""
return self._size(1)
def size (self):
"""The total ``(width, height)`` size of the grid."""
return (self.w, self.h)
def _tile_pos (self, axis, index):
return sum(ts + gap for ts, gap in zip(self._tile_size[axis][:index],
[docs] def tile_x (self, col):
"""Get the x position of the tile in the column with the given index.
This is the position of the left side of the tile relative to the left side of
the grid.
return self._tile_pos(0, col)
[docs] def tile_y (self, row):
"""Get the y position of the tile in the row with the given index.
This is the position of the top side of the tile relative to the top side of
the grid.
return self._tile_pos(1, row)
[docs] def tile_pos (self, col, row):
"""Get the ``(x, y)`` position of the tile in the given column and row.
This is the top-left corner of the tile relative to the top-left corner of the
return (self.tile_x(col), self.tile_y(row))
[docs] def tile_size (self, col, row):
"""Get the ``(width, height)`` size of the given tile."""
return (self._tile_size[0][col], self._tile_size[1][row])
[docs] def tile_rect (self, col, row):
"""Get a Pygame rect for the tile in the given column and row.
This is relative to the top-left corner of the grid.
return Rect(self.tile_pos(col, row), self.tile_size(col, row))
[docs] def tile_rects (self, pos=False):
"""Iterator over :meth:`tile_rect` for all tiles.
:arg pos: whether to yield ``(col, row, tile_rect)`` instead of just
ts = self._tile_size
gap = self._gap
x = 0
# add extra element to gap so we iterate over the last tile
for col, (w, gap_x) in enumerate(zip(ts[0], gap[0] + (0,))):
y = 0
for row, (h, gap_y) in enumerate(zip(ts[1], gap[1] + (0,))):
r = Rect(x, y, w, h)
yield (col, row, r) if pos else r
y += h + gap_y
x += w + gap_x
[docs] def tile_at (self, x, y):
"""Return the ``(col, row)`` tile at the point ``(x, y)``, or
if x < 0 or y < 0:
return None
pos = (x, y)
tile = []
for axis, pos in enumerate((x, y)):
current_pos = 0
ts = self._tile_size[axis]
gap = self._gap[axis] + (0,)
for i in xrange(self.ntiles[axis]):
current_pos += ts[i]
# now we're at the end of a tile
if current_pos > pos:
# pos is within the previous tile
current_pos += gap[i]
# now we're at the start of a tile
if current_pos > pos:
# pos is within the previous gap
return None
# didn't find a tile: point is past the end
return None
return tuple(tile)
[docs] def align (self, graphic, col, row, alignment=0, pad=0, offset=0):
"""Align a graphic or surface within a tile.
align(self, graphic, col, row, alignment=0, pad=0, offset=0) -> aligned_rect
``alignment``, ``pad`` and ``offset`` are as taken by
:func:`align_rect <engine.util.align_rect>`.
:arg graphic: a :class:`gfx.Graphic <engine.gfx.graphic.Graphic>` instance or a
Pygame surface. In the former case, the graphic is moved (but it
is not cropped to fit in the tile).
:arg col: column of the tile.
:arg row: row of the tile.
:return: a Pygame rect clipped within the tile giving the area the graphic
should be put in.
if isinstance(graphic, Graphic):
rect = graphic.rect
rect = graphic.get_rect()
pos = align_rect(rect, self.tile_rect(col, row), alignment, pad,
if isinstance(graphic, Graphic):
graphic.pos = pos
return Rect(pos, rect.size)
[docs]class InfiniteGrid (object):
"""A representation of an infinite 2D grid of rectangular tiles.
InfiniteGrid(tile_size, gap=0)
:arg tile_size: ``(tile_width, tile_height)`` numbers giving the size of every
tile, or a single number for square tiles.
:arg gap: ``(col_gap, row_gap)`` numbers giving the gap between columns and
rows respectively, or a single number for the same gap in both cases.
The grid expands in all directions, so ``col`` and ``row`` arguments to methods
may be negative, and tile/gap sizes may be floats.
def __init__ (self, tile_size, gap=0):
if isinstance(tile_size, (int, float)):
tile_size = (tile_size, tile_size)
tile_size = tuple(tile_size[:2])
if any(x < 0 for x in tile_size):
raise ValueError('tile sizes must be positive')
#: ``tile_size`` as taken by the constructor.
self.tile_size = tile_size
if isinstance(gap, (int, float)):
gap = (gap, gap)
gap = tuple(gap[:2])
if any(g < 0 for g in gap):
raise ValueError('tile gaps must be positive')
#: ``gap`` as taken by the constructor.
self.gap = gap
[docs] def tile_x (self, col):
"""Get the x position of the tile in the column with the given index.
This is the position of the left side of the tile relative to the left side of
column ``0``.
return (self.tile_size[0] * self.gap[0]) * col
[docs] def tile_y (self, row):
"""Get the y position of the tile in the row with the given index.
This is the position of the top side of the tile relative to the top side of
row ``0``.
return (self.tile_size[1] * self.gap[1]) * row
[docs] def tile_pos (self, col, row):
"""Get the ``(x, y)`` position of the tile in the given column and row.
This is the top-left corner of the tile relative to the top-left corner of the
tile ``(0, 0)``.
return (self.tile_x(col), self.tile_y(row))
[docs] def tile_rect (self, col, row):
"""Get a Pygame-style rect for the tile in the given column and row.
This is relative to tile ``(0, 0)``, and elements can be floats.
return self.tile_pos(col, row) + self.tile_size
[docs] def tile_rects (self, rect, pos=False):
"""Iterator over :meth:`tile_rect` for tiles that intersect ``rect``.
:arg rect: ``(x, y, w, h)`` with elements possibly floats.
:arg pos: whether to yield ``(col, row, tile_rect)`` instead of just
ts = self.tile_size
gap = self.gap
# compute offsets
x0 = (rect[0] // (ts[0] + gap[0])) * (ts[0] + gap[0])
y0 = (rect[1] // (ts[1] + gap[1])) * (ts[1] + gap[1])
# do the loop
xr = rect[0] + rect[2]
yb = rect[1] + rect[3]
x = x0
col = 0
while True:
y = y0
row = 0
while True:
yield (col, row, r) if pos else r
y += ts[1] + gap[1]
if y >= yb:
row += 1
x += ts[0] + gap[0]
if x >= xr:
col += 1
[docs] def tile_at (self, x, y):
"""Return the ``(col, row)`` tile at the point ``(x, y)``, or
Returns ``None`` within gaps between tiles.
ts = self.tile_size
gap = self.gap
pos = (x, y)
tile = []
for axis in (0, 1):
this_tile, offset = divmod(pos[axis], float(ts[axis] + gap[axis]))
if offset < ts[axis]:
# in the tile
# in the gap
return None
return tuple(tile)
[docs] def align (self, graphic, col, row, alignment=0, pad=0, offset=0):
"""Align a graphic or surface within a tile.
align(self, graphic, col, row, alignment=0, pad=0, offset=0) -> aligned_rect
``alignment``, ``pad`` and ``offset`` are as taken by
:func:`align_rect <engine.util.align_rect>`.
:arg graphic: a :class:`gfx.Graphic <engine.gfx.graphic.Graphic>` instance or a
Pygame surface. In the former case, the graphic is moved (but it
is not cropped to fit in the tile).
:arg col: column of the tile.
:arg row: row of the tile.
:return: a Pygame rect clipped within the tile giving the area the graphic
should be put in.
if isinstance(graphic, Graphic):
rect = graphic.rect
rect = graphic.get_rect()
pos = align_rect(rect, self.tile_rect(col, row), alignment, pad,
if isinstance(graphic, Graphic):
graphic.pos = pos
return Rect(pos, rect.size)